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Thursday, January 28, 2016

All The Internships You Need In Israel For 2016

Over 50 internships in Israel for you to check out this year.

All The Internships You Need In Israel For 2016

Know of an internship that’s not listed? Tell us in the comments.

Inkompass Globalinkompass logo is the internship program of Philip Morris International, currently targeting students graduating in 2017 to give them a solid business experience of working on projects that help them go through a self-discovery journey while at the same time, building portable skills that they can use during their careers.

Each internship consists of 2 cycles where the students will be working on different projects, even with the possibility of working on cross-functional projects or in different affiliates.

Semester internship: The 1st cycle of the internship program will start on March and will last for 6-8 months. This is a paid internship and requires part-time work in our offices in Tel Aviv.

Summer internship: The 1st cycle of the internship program will start on June and will last for 3 months. This is also a paid internship and requires full-time work in our offices in Tel Aviv.

This program has high visibility both within Israel and around the globe and it creates a community of Inkompass interns from many different countries, giving the interns an opportunity to truly experience the world of an international company.

Apply now

Free bonus: Download a spreadsheet with all the internships listed here in an easily sortable format you can use to track which internships you applied for.

One important tip to keep in mind: if you’re interested in an internship whose submission deadline passed already, don’t let that stop you- contact the organization asap to see if they can make an exception for your completed application, which is more likely to happen than if they need to wait for you to fill it out.

You’d be surprised how often this works. Your extra step shows you’re extra-motivated to join them, and that passion can go a long way.

On to the list…

Winter 2016 internships

The I Know First Internship Program – “open to brilliant candidates from around the world. We offer various positions such as financial analyst, marketing strategist, quantitative analyst, web designer and more… The role may evolve into a full-time paid position.” (NO FEES)

Europ Network – sales and marketing internship (minimum 2 months) and an e-business internship (minimum 3 months).

Israel-Asia Center Jobs and Internships – The Israel-Asia Center is currently seeking intern candidates for a number of positions.

Livnot Onward Israel: Ultimate Internship – The Onward Israel: Ultimate Internship is challenging and exciting. Full of hikes through waterfalls and canyons and filled with Jewish learning in nature and in the community of Tzfat, the Ultimate Internship is good for your resume, body and soul. (Program Dates:  June 6 – July 17, 2016. Fee: $500, includes six weeks of accommodation, hiking, programming, spirituality workshops, 2 meals per day.)

Livnot Israel Internships – internships in a wide variety of areas, from photography and videography, PR & marketing and fundraising too.

Jesus Trail Internship Program – The Jesus Trail is a 40-mile hiking trail in the Galilee region of Israel that connects sites from the life of Jesus.  The trail is marked and open to the public.   We work to create hiker resources, orient and educate hikers, network and develop local businesses, and conduct PR to raise awareness about the trail.  The Jesus Trail intern will be expected to work 40 hours per week with at least two days off per week.  Some travel required. Interns to receive a monthly stipend. (No Posted Internship Periods yet)

Career Israel 5-Month Program – “You will intern 25-30 hours each week at your internship, and you will still get to travel and see parts of Israel you have never experienced. (No application deadline specified, but the Summer Internship for 2016 will take place from January 26, 2016- June 5, 2016, $50 application fee)

WUJS Israel – “a 5 month post college program that offers the ultimate Israel experience for Jewish young adults from around the world. The program is based in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. WUJS Israel allows you the opportunity to intern with one of Israel’s leading companies or NGOs, or develop your artistic talent, while studying Hebrew and more. WUJS Israel will also help in your Aliyah process as part of its curriculum.” ($100 non-refundable application fee paid upon submission of your application to WUJS Israel. This fee is not part of the tuition payments. No application deadline specified)

Summer 2016 internships

Lirom Global Education Academic Internship – “Whether you are a student, recent graduate or on a path to change careers, our internships in Israel will polish your resume with amazing opportunities that many never get.” Many different industries are available. Starts June 2016 so apply asap. (Fees: $350 per credit, Internship Placement Fee: $500)

Way More Israel – co-ed, ages 19-28. “You’ll spend an incredible seven weeks living in Jerusalem’s historic Old City while learning Hebrew, volunteering and building your career.  You’ll have an authentic Israel experience as you live like a local. With trips, classes/workshops on timely Jewish topics and amazing internship positions, you’ll get way more than you ever imagined.” Now accepting applications. (February 7 – June 29, 2016, June 26 – August 18, 2016, the program costs $350, not including airfare)

Brenden Mann Israel Internship Program – “The Brenden Mann Israel Internship Program provides students with unparalleled professional summer internship opportunities in a country of vibrant life, multifaceted communities, and sweeping entrepreneurship.” (Now accepting applications for Summer 2016. Total Fees: $3,200.)

World Mizrachi’s Enterprise Israel – Enterprise Israel (formerly SIP) is a 6+ week co-ed program run by World Mizrachi together with Ohr Torah Stone. Enterprise offers students and recent graduates from all over the world a chance to intern in their fields of interest in Israel, whilst learning leadership skills, and learning and discovering more about Israel and Judaism, all within a social and educational environment. Enterprise participants spend their days hard at work in order to experience working conditions, explore employment opportunities and make contacts. The internships are unpaid. Program runs from June 21 – August 8, 2016.  ($50 application fee non-refundable, $1900 program fee. Last date for application: 31 March 2016. Applications made after 31 March will incur a $200 late-fee.)

Birthright Israel Excel Fellowship – “a selective 10-week summer fellowship program in Israel for 20 talented Jewish rising college juniors and seniors from around the world who are planning to pursue careers in business and/or technology.” There are also opportunities for Israeli students to help in the program as “Israeli Peers” (NO FEES)

Real Life Israel’s Summer Internship – “a Semester-long immersion and Research Fellowship program that is designed to give you an authentic experience of real life in Israel.” APPLY NOW! (No application deadline specified, Summer 2016: July 7th – August 25th 2016.)

Israel Tech Challenge Interns – “A heavily subsidized, resume-building program for talented tech students, offering a paid internship in high-level companies while living in Tel Aviv area, and experiencing the Israeli hi-tech culture.” (Internship runs from June 15th – August 21st, 2016. Total Cost: $1000 and includes accommodation in Tel Aviv and educational contents) Registration is now open.

Summer Science Research Internships for Yeshiva University Students at Bar-Ilan University – “The BIU-YU Summer Science Research Internship program places select undergraduates from Yeshiva College and Stern College in one of the state-of-the-art research laboratories of Bar-Ilan’s Life Science, Exact Science, or Engineering Faculties. It enables talented undergraduate science majors to take part in the research of one of Bar-Ilan’s more than 180 distinguished science and engineering faculty members.” (dates have not yet been published for 2016, but the site does say there will be a program again this year. Click through to see if an update has been announced.)

AMIRIM – The WUJS Summer Experience – The perfect blend of structure and freedom to explore Israel on your own. You choose the length! 4 or 8 week options. You choose the location! Tel Aviv, Bat Yam and Jerusalem. Option to combine Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in one summer. Rich itinerary of inspiring day and overnight tours relating to Judaism, Israel and the Middle East. Live in apartments with Israeli students your own age!

Onward Israel Hillel International Internship Program – Open to Jewish students on North American campuses who have had one previous short-term Israel experience- Birthright or a teen travel program. Preference for the Hillel International program will be given to students at campuses where the Hillel has formally committed to recruit and who are from communities who do not already offer a local federation Onward Israel program. (June 8 – August 3, 2016. Application deadline is March 15, 2016. Cost: $500)

iEngage Summer Internship 2016 – Interns will spend approximately 20-25 hours working on their research project. In addition, they will take 4-5 iEngage classes per week. These classes, built around the Shalom Hartman Institute iEngage curriculum, will be a chance for interns to become familiar with the academic work of the Institute and to learn with an array of Hartman scholars in an intimate classroom setting. Interns will participate in evening programming at the Institute, ranging from guest speakers and panels to concerts and film screenings. Interns will spend their first Shabbat in Jerusalem together with the Hartman community. (June 27, 2016 – August 4, 2016. The application submission deadline is March 1, 2016. Applicants will be notified of admissions decisions by March 15, 2016.)

Technion Research Internship Program – Applications for research internships are accepted on a rolling basis, and must be submitted at least three months in advance. Students are accepted for a research internship based on their academic merit. Internships are between three months and one  year in duration and are available throughout the year, including the summer. (June – August 2016)

Year-round internships

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Internships – “We offer internship positions to graduate students and academics with backgrounds in international relations, strategy, the Middle East, or Israel’s national security… tasks range from basic data collection to pure research and publication.” (NO FEES)

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development Internships – for university/college students and graduates. ICSD is a Jerusalem-based non-profit that carries out its mission through multiple programs: A cross-cultural  (Jewish and Arab) women’s environmental group; seminars on faith and ecology for seminary students and religious leaders; group tours on the connection between ecology, faith teachings, and the Holy Land; and an international faith and science cohort that works through media and discourse to address climate change. To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to (NO FEES)

University of Haifa International School Internship Program – “Only students who are enrolled as full-time students in the International School are eligible for the Internship Program, and students must have already completed at least one year of university study (anywhere)… Internships are mostly focused in the areas of social services, health services, and education.” Masa grants are applicable.

Career Israel Internship Program – “… internship placements in leading companies and organizations in the private and public sectors in Israel in every field including: Law, Medicine, Media, Economics, Politics, Public relations, Education, Social Work, Engineering, Computer science, Advertising, Business, and more…”

Masa Internships in Israel – for young Jewish adults ages 18-30. “Internship fields include: architecture, advertising, arts, athletics, business, co-existence, education, engineering, environment, fashion finance, health, hospitality, journalism, law, marketing, music and entertainment, politics and international relations, public policy, public relations, science and technology, social action, social justice, social work and more.” There’s a complete list here. Masa grants are applicable.

The Magshimey Herut Internship Program – only Jews or people eligible for the Law of Return. “We have placed interns in various companies and organizations around Israel in fields including: law, theater, engineering, sales, marketing, real estate, social work, computer science, graphic design, hospitality, politics, education, public relations, business, medicine, and more.” ($250 application fee)

JCPA Internship Program – “The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs is a leading Israeli think tank dealing with Israel’s security needs. Interns may engage in research and/or marketing/social media activities.” (NO FEES)

Intel Internships – for “bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral students in engineering, science, and business-related fields.” (NO FEES, PAID). If you can read Hebrew, there are more opportunities on their Students site.

OnTarget Communications Technical Writing Internship Program – “geared towards individuals who want to embark on a career as a technical writer.” (NO FEES)

MISTI MIT-Israel Internships – For MIT undergraduate and graduate students and recent alumni. “Three-month summer internships (June-August) or longer internships (after graduation or while enrolled in a Ph.D. program) in dozens of corporations and research institutions across Israel.”

Gvahim Young Leaders – Internship Program – applicants should be at least 21 years old and have studied at least 3 years. Participants all get free Hebrew classes and events “such as meeting with Israeli leaders or visiting successful companies.” There are 4 sessions each year (beginning Jan.1st, March 1st, June 1st and Sept.1st) so apply asap to get in to the next one. (costs differ per session)

Interning with IRAC – As an integral member of our resource development and overseas communications department, the intern participates in communicating IRAC’s vision and current activities to the Diaspora by helping write and produce content for IRAC’s newsletters, website, online social networks and blog. (NO FEES)

ARDC Teaching Internship – Teaching. (NO FEES)

Amira Margalith Research Internship Program – An internship with the Moshe Dayan Center provides a unique experience to work intimately with a group of world-renowned scholars and experts in Middle Eastern and African Studies. (NO FEES) – Internships with Jerusalem-based companies in every field for Jewish college students who want a unique opportunity to intern in Israel and explore their Jewish heritage. Costs range from $350 up, depending on the length of the program.

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Internships – The Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS) is the German green foundation affiliated with the German Green Party… Internship positions are usually available for a period of three months, four days a week. Unfortunately, interns do not receive any kind of remuneration or coverage of travel expenses… Project areas you might work on include:  Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development, Women’s Rights and Gender Democracy, Strengthening Civil Society and Democratic Participation, Foreign and Security Policy, and German-Israeli Relations. Internship opportunities are available from April 2016 on.

The Global Intern – An internship abroad is an amazing experience that will have a profound influence on you today and throughout your future as a professional. For the same cost as just three to six credits at an American university, a global internship will: Make you stand out from the crowd, both in your resume and graduate school application; Offer you an authentic experience abroad, where you immerse yourself in a unique culture as a local, not just as a tourist; Give you a leg up in the job market with highly-valued international work experience, something especially important to international firms; Put your classroom lessons into action by applying them to real world situations; Start your lifelong process of building quality professional contacts, essential to your career growth now and in years to come.

The Israel Democracy Institute – IDI offers a small number of exciting internship opportunities for exceptional candidates with an undergraduate, graduate or professional background. The program provides a unique opportunity to work with IDI scholars and staff on policy proposals aimed at strengthening Israeli democracy. Interns spend a minimum of six weeks at the Institute in Jerusalem, during which they participate fully in the daily life of IDI. Although interns typically choose to spend their summer at IDI, the program is open year-round.

Palestine-Israel Journal – “An internship with the Journal provides for a unique experience to work intimately with Palestinians and Israelis who are engaged in ongoing dialogue and exploration of all the central questions on the common Israeli-Palestinian agenda and are seeking to promote a fair and just peace between Israel and Palestine.” Internships at the Journal can be part-time or full-time. Interns are with us for a period of one to several months. Our office hours are Sunday through Thursday, from 9am to 5pm.

Amnesty International Israel – Amnesty International Israel is looking for interns in Tel Aviv, Israel! We offer internships in various fields including: Refugees and Asylum Seekers Campaign; Activism and Mobilization; Media, Communications, and Publications; Management Assistance; Human Resources and Fundraising. If you are interested in an internship, please e-mail your CV to our intern coordinator: Additional details are available upon request.

Peres Center for Peace – The Peres Center offers exciting, challenging and hands-on internships and volunteer opportunities. If you are looking to gain real insight and experience into the operation and activities of Israel’s leading non-profit organization promoting peace building between Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, then the Peres Center is the place for you!

Windows for Peace Internship Program – “Interns and volunteers with Windows are offered a unique opportunity to work within an organization with over 20 years of peacebuilding experience. There are many different ways you can become involved in the work of Windows, by interning at one of our centers in Tel Aviv-Jaffa or Nablus or through volunteering remotely from your home. We are especially interested in applicants for roles related to social media, fundraising, events coordination, web development and design, and translation work. Minimum of 3 months/15 hours per week. Windows internships provide an opportunity to learn about the complexities of the Palestinian/Israeli reality and contribute to the promotion of just peace.”

Marom Group – is an international philanthropic solutions firm, located in Tel Aviv and operates worldwide. We specialize in creating customized operational and social financial models built to achieve long lasting impact. These models generate distinctive solutions that create modern ways to bridge the gap between social projects and the capital needed to finance them. Thus, in 2016 we are looking for interns that are interested in both the social/ third sector and the business sector and that are committed to a 4+ months internship period. Marom Group interns are responsible for mapping, research, reach out and relationship building with potential partners- philanthropic foundations, NGOs, governments, corporations, etc. For more info contact-

Ma’ase Olam Israel Teaching Fellows – Ma’ase (“deed” or “action” in Hebrew) is an award winning non-profit organization that was established in 2004 to promote equal opportunity and civic leadership among young adults from Israel’s peripheries through volunteer and follow-up programs. Ma’ase Olam, a project of Ma’ase, runs joint 10-month service learning programs bringing together young adults from Israel and the Diaspora to do meaningful service work in communities in Israel’s geographic and social periphery. Ma’ase Olam organizes Israel Teaching Fellows, an opportunity for exemplary college graduates to teach English in Israel on a 10-month service program. Our goal is to address Israel’s educational achievement gap and the widespread underperformance of youth in low-income communities. (Fee: $1,050.  A 10-month program that runs annually from approx. August 27-June 30)

Israel Forever Foundation – Internships are an incredible way to expand your professional experience. As an intern with Israel Forever, you will be actively involved in the fulfillment of our mission to connect Jews around the world with Israel. Opportunities are available in our main centers of Washington DC and Israel, or as a part of our “virtual office” from your corner of the world, allowing our team to reflect the international nature of our global community.

StarTAU Internship Programs – We offer young and aspiring professionals from around the world the opportunity to receive a direct exposure into the bustling and exciting innovation scene. During their time with us, each intern will be assigned to one of our departments and work closely with the director, management and the rest of the team.  After their internship, each person will become a part of the exclusive and lucrative community of StarTAU Brand Ambassadors. These ambassadors are our link to entrepreneurship communities abroad, and will receive updates, event invitations, business opportunities and much more.

Masa-Tlalim Enterprise Internship – Our 5-month Enterprise Internship program will build your professional skills while allowing you the freedom to explore the vibrant Israeli culture and meet new people from all over the world! Work with industry experts in startups around Tel Aviv to build experience and learn from the best of the best. Pay $75 application fee. Masa grants are applicable. (Dates: March 14th – August 14th, 2016, September 1st, 2016 – January 31st, 2017)

Yahel Social Change Program – The Yahel Social Change Program is a unique 9-month service learning experience for young adults between the ages of 21 and 27. The program combines hands-on volunteer work with in-depth learning and immersion. Participants are placed in either the city of Lod or the Ramat Eliyahu neighborhood in Rishon LeZion, working with diverse communities such as the Ethiopian-Israeli, Arab-Israeli and others. (Early Bird Application Deadline: January 1, 2016, Final Deadline: March 1, 2016. Program Dates: October 6, 2016 – June 30, 2017. Costs only $1,000 (including flight) for those eligible for a Masa Grant. )

Free Bonus

Download a sortable spreadsheet of all the Israel internships listed here above that you can use to take notes and easily track which internships you applied for.

Click the image below to get access to All The Internships You Need In Israel For 2016:

Top 200+ Pinterest Job Search Boards in 2015 download button

JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free!

Question of the article

Heard of any other internships I should add to the list? Tell us in the comments.

FOR MORE RESULTS: Where Else To Find Israel Internships and Fellowships Online

Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter for all you need to get that first foot in the door for Israeli work experience.

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

JobMob Sponsoring its First Job Fair Tuesday, January 26th in Tel Aviv

JobMob is sponsoring the first Israel Multilingual Job Fair.

Israel Multilingual Job Fair

Recruiters and HR experts: Mention coupon code JOBMOB for a 20% discount on booths at the fair.

I’ve wanted to sponsor a job fair for a while, so I’m excited that JobMob is going to be a part of this.


The fair’s slogan is “Find a job in own your language.”

The companies at the fair will be looking to hire job seekers with language skills in the following languages *among others*:

  • English
  • French
  • Russian
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Chinese

There’s a pretty wide range of openings to be filled including “Engineers, Lawyers, Accountants, Coders, QA Engineers, Marketing, Sales, Hospitality, Real Estate Agents, Administrators, Writers, Customer Service reps, and more.”

Free bonus: Download JobMob's Job Fair Success Guide with over 60 job fair tips and a printable version of this job fair announcement that includes a larger map.


According to the official announcement:

Come meet the leading companies on the market, enjoy our fascinating lectures from different speakers, and connect with HR representatives from all of the hottest international companies on the market.

Make yourself standout and find a job.

Some of the companies hiring at the fair:

  • Toyga
  • MyHeritage
  • SimilarWeb
  • Rushmore Marketing
  • Eldan
  • Memo Global
  • Wix
  • Fattal Hotels
  • Depluse
  • RCS
  • InnoData

In parallel to the company booths, there will be speakers in the lecture hall:

  • 09:15 – 09:30 Opening
  • 09:30 – 10:00 Lecture in English, Professor Jonathan Smilansky, “Finding career opportunities in Israel”
  • 10:00 – 10:45 Amutot Panel discussion: “Building your Career in Israel”
  • 10:45 – 11:00 Lecture in Hebrew by Maof Group, “Employment In Israel”
  • 11:00 – 11:20 Lecture in English, Yulia Reinshmidt, “LinkedIn workshop – Effective tools to manage your career”
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Lecture in Russian, Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption, topic TBA
  • 12:00 – 12:30 Lecture in Spanish, topic TBA
  • 12:30 – 13:00 Lecture by MyHeritage, topic TBA

Check back here closer to the fair for an updated schedule.


Tel Aviv Cinematheque
Shprintsak St 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo

Tel: 03-606-0800


  • 63 from Tel Aviv Hashalom train station (Azrieli mall)
  • 72, 9, 89 from Savidor/Mercaz train station
  • 5, 26, 70 from Tel Aviv Central Bus Station

Full details on how to get there, including more buses & parking (Hebrew)


Job seekers

  • Early bird rate (before January 17th): NIS 23.90
  • Regular rate: NIS 59.75

Register now

Recruiters and HR experts

To exhibit at the fair, contact Segev Shoval. Mention coupon code JOBMOB for a 20% discount on booths.


Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 from 9am – 3pm


JobMob's Job Fair Success Guide explains why you should go to the fair with over 60 tips.

This free download contains:
  • A printable version of the above job fair announcement, including a large map you can easily annotate
  • 25 Reasons Job Fairs Are Not a Waste of Time
  • 35+ Job Fair Success Do’s and Don’ts
Click the image below to get access to JobMob's Job Fair Success Guide: The One Job Interview Resource You'll Ever Need download button

JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free!

Subscribe to JobMob via email and follow me on Twitter for job fairs you just might want to go to.

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Friday, January 8, 2016

366 Job Search Tips for Every Day of 2016

Your job search crash course this year.

366 Job Search Tips for Every Day of 2016

Photo credit: Jay Huang

How to use this list

A job search tip a day keeps the recruiters away closer…

This isn’t a checklist.

Some of the tips only apply to job seekers of certain kinds, such as graduates, older job seekers and employed job seekers.

Put differently, no one should try to apply all the tips in one job search.

Instead, use it to create your own job search checklist:

Free bonus: Download a categorized version of this list for easy reference, where I've highlighted effective tips that job seekers tend to not know.

So many job search tips…

  1. Don’t put off your job search
  2. Better to job search while you have an income
  3. Don’t get distracted
  4. Be a giver before a taker, you never know where it can lead
  5. The best networks really are built before needed
  6. Start by auditing your situation
  7. First decide what you’re looking for
  8. Focus on the right things
  9. Leaving options open makes you lazy
  10. Internal moves are smarter than job hopping
  11. Review which job search websites can help
  12. Find 10 people who have the job you want and model your job search on theirs
  13. Get career path inspiration by researching people on LinkedIn with your credentials
  14. Get career ideas by taking personality tests
  15. Get career ideas by job shadowing
  16. Get career ideas by interning
  17. Showing your skills grows self-confidence
  18. If you don’t qualify, don’t apply
  19. Note one thing you’re grateful for happening today
  20. Gather career materials before leaving a job
  21. Only approach recruiters when it’s relevant
  22. Don’t refer to yourself in the 3rd person online
  23. Have a daily routine
  24. Prepare stories for your job interview
  25. Ask 5 people who trust and know you about career path
  26. If you attract the wrong recruiters, your resume has the wrong content
  27. Bad Facebook and Twitter comments can haunt you
  28. Know how to correctly pronounce your interviewer’s name in advance
  29. Know when to talk salary first
  30. Use fewer pronouns (I,my,me) in your cover letter
  31. Make sure your resume is focused on your direction
  32. Aim for companies who hire by audition, not resume
  33. Don’t lie on your resume
  34. It’s ok to omit resume information that doesn’t help you
  35. React well to job rejection
  36. Reject recruiters well too
  37. Say the salary you’re seeking, not the one you’re making
  38. Your resume should not be a PDF, unless it’s required to be
  39. Before job interviews, practice walking into the room
  40. List credentials (PhD, MBA, etc.) at resume top
  41. Group barter hack to get a job with your friends
  42. Know how to find a hiring manager’s contact info
  43. Beware of suspicious companies
  44. Use personal business cards
  45. Relax more
  46. Learn to negotiate
  47. Older job seeker? Find a younger mentor
  48. Don’t make yourself look older than you are
  49. Pay attention to what you envy to discover work that you love
  50. Have a job? Always be prepared to leave
  51. Always be on time
  52. Learn how to strike up a conversation
  53. Use rejection-response letters
  54. Don’t spam hiring managers
  55. Highlight job duties instead of job titles
  56. Remember names, not just faces
  57. Call your alma mater’s career services
  58. Get attention with a personal job search website
  59. Search for recruiters before jobs
  60. Use Wordle to focus your resume
  61. Find leads via forum networking
  62. Follow job listing instructions perfectly
  63. Get a job search buddy
  64. Follow-up with your own contacts
  65. Know your competitive advantages
  66. Learn to think like a recruiter
  67. Aim for hidden jobs first
  68. Job fairs aren’t a waste of time
  69. Not every job fair is for you
  70. Talk job search at parties
  71. Avoid looking jobless
  72. Research companies on LinkedIn
  73. Leverage contacts’ contacts
  74. Being flexible opens you to more jobs
  75. Don’t print your resume at work
  76. Online resumes are trusted more
  77. Follow up post-rejection to learn from mistakes
  78. Keep a plain-text version of your resume handy
  79. Be a better listener
  80. Learn how to be creative
  81. Use guest posting to get exposure
  82. Blog your expertise
  83. Don’t look for a job, look for a company
  84. Impress employers by demonstrating skills they need
  85. Don’t make employers download your CV
  86. Be authentic
  87. Make eye contact often
  88. Don’t wait for job ads to appear
  89. Avoid job postings that look too good
  90. Use LinkedIn events to find networking opportunities
  91. Stand during phone interviews
  92. Use external recommendations in cover letters
  93. Add video to your LinkedIn profile
  94. Know the right way to email people for requests
  95. Address being overqualified before they ask
  96. Being first runner-up can mean being next in line
  97. Follow up later on recently-closed job openings
  98. Use a resume benefit statement if you have too much to list
  99. Talk to insiders before taking a job
  100. Stay in touch with ex-bosses
  101. Never say you’re perfect for the job
  102. Interviews are for you to show you’re perfect for the job
  103. If an interviewer tries to sell you on a job, let them
  104. Use positive words when making salary objections
  105. Prepare a cover story if you want to change careers
  106. Avoid recruiters that won’t forward job descriptions
  107. Prepare a “why hire me” story for interviews
  108. Don’t use your work email address
  109. Help other people find jobs too
  110. Look for ways to increase your perceived value
  111. Prepare a references list in advance
  112. Choose references who are ok to be contacted
  113. Prepare reference letters in advance
  114. Arriving too early is as bad as arriving late for interviews
  115. Use video to improve your interviewing
  116. Always bring a good mood
  117. Drive interviews to questions for which you have great answers
  118. Scan your resume files for computer viruses
  119. Show you have a proven success record
  120. The older you are, the more you need to be up-to-date
  121. In a recession, don’t read the newspaper
  122. At interview end, ask for the next steps
  123. Roles may take months to fill, so apply to older ads too
  124. Fully understand the contract before you sign
  125. Summer job search doesn’t end when summer starts
  126. Get your resume as close as possible to the hiring decision maker
  127. Only send updated resumes
  128. Bring resume copies to job interviews
  129. Bring resumes to job fairs
  130. Bring resumes to networking events
  131. Never badmouth anyone in interviews
  132. Less popular job boards mean fewer competitors
  133. Check resume links aren’t broken
  134. Use popular job boards to gauge demand
  135. Schedule interviews for time of day when you’re best
  136. Quantify your achievements as much as you can
  137. Be prepared to back up your resume claims
  138. Never say you’re “willing to do any job”
  139. Failing interviews doesn’t mean you’re a failure
  140. Job search doesn’t end with your interview
  141. Job search doesn’t end when you get an offer
  142. Always give companies the impression you’re interviewing elsewhere too
  143. If you blog about work, include it in your resume
  144. Move where there’s the most demand
  145. Put your LinkedIn url on your resume
  146. Job listings specify salary to filter out candidates
  147. Dress for success with colors you look good in
  148. Spend half your day looking, half your day improving your skills
  149. Choose references who have great things to say about you
  150. Aim to be referred internally
  151. Be gracious
  152. Know your compensation priorities besides salary
  153. Let companies bring up salary numbers first
  154. Tell friends about your job search
  155. Tell ex-colleagues about your job search
  156. Tell ex-clients about your job search
  157. Tell family about your job search
  158. Stay in touch with updates until you stop looking
  159. Volunteer your work skills to get experience
  160. Don’t flirt in interviews
  161. Keep your job search secret if you’re employed
  162. Use a dedicated job search email address
  163. Don’t use your personal email address for job search
  164. Respond to job ads with point-by-point cover letters
  165. Know your market value before talking salary
  166. Aim for multiple job offers
  167. Don’t send out more resumes than you can track
  168. Connect with targeted companies on social media
  169. Spellcheck your resume
  170. Get someone else to proofread your resume
  171. Get someone else to proofread your LinkedIn profile
  172. Only apply to companies you’ve researched
  173. Only apply to companies where you have the recruiter’s contact information
  174. Email recruiters with attention-getting subject lines
  175. Keep work jargon to a minimum for HR
  176. Remember names by using them out loud repeatedly
  177. Freelance consult on the side while looking
  178. Be ready to justify resume gaps
  179. Ignore spam titled “I would like to offer you a job!”
  180. Date your resume in the footer
  181. Treat job interviews like company consults
  182. Check if past bosses want you back
  183. Say you’ll follow up and do it
  184. Make a work portfolio
  185. Resumes should include language proficiency
  186. Mention having other offers when it’s true
  187. Ask for interviews in cover letters
  188. If you’re not a good fit, give the job lead to someone who is
  189. Ask recruiters for resume feedback
  190. Prepare interview questions in advance
  191. Practice with questions they’re likely to ask
  192. Follow online job search forums where experts hang out
  193. Include relevant keywords in resumes
  194. Answer one work-related question online per day
  195. Know your weaknesses
  196. Know your strengths
  197. Follow forums where industry recruiters hang out
  198. Don’t blast resumes
  199. Don’t use resume distribution services
  200. Use a job search organizer
  201. Don’t spam recruiters
  202. Ask people how they found the job you want
  203. One page resumes are best
  204. Exercise regularly
  205. Sleep well
  206. Chase stress with a good laugh everyday
  207. A cover letter’s goal is to get your resumes read
  208. A resume’s goal is to get interview invites
  209. The more targeted a message, the more likely to be heard
  210. Every time of year is job search time of year
  211. Job listing language is the one to communicate in
  212. Newly-funded startups tend to hire
  213. Venture capitalists can recommend you for their portfolio companies
  214. Don’t do free work as part of the interview process
  215. Job interviews are about how you can help the employer, not vice-versa
  216. Be careful when copying other people’s resume templates
  217. Do what you need to stay positive
  218. Only apply to companies you’re passionate about joining
  219. Keep track of your successes with numbers
  220. Include your best LinkedIn recommendation on your resume
  221. Know the signs of job search depression to avoid it
  222. Resumes should have no more than 3 font sizes
  223. The biggest text on your resume should be your name
  224. Google yourself before companies do
  225. How your name appears on your resume is how companies will google it
  226. Create social media profiles to improve Google results
  227. Use LinkedIn as your online CV
  228. Use Twitter to network and share advice
  229. Use Facebook to reach out to people after-hours
  230. Use Reddit to answer work-related questions
  231. Use Pinterest to pin images of your best work-related tips
  232. Use Instagram to show pictures of yourself in action
  233. Use YouTube to show yourself in action
  234. Use SlideShare to post presentations given in action
  235. Use Google+ if it’s popular in your industry
  236. Always follow up after interviews
  237. Always send thanks after interviews
  238. Follow up again later, such as when you have an offer
  239. Learn to recognize bad employers before applying
  240. Never include ‘references available upon request’ in your resume
  241. Sharing expertise online attracts jobs
  242. Don’t only job search online
  243. Don’t only job search offline
  244. Your resume filename should be Firstname_Lastname_resume.docx
  245. Store resumes online where they can be easily shared
  246. Keep resume copies on your smartphone
  247. Ask an ex-boss for a practice interview
  248. Never assume it was discrimination
  249. Use LinkedIn to prove if companies hire people like you
  250. Only apply to companies that have hired people like you
  251. Propose creation of a role by showing how much revenue you would generate
  252. Propose creation of a role by showing how much money you would save employers
  253. Be wary of signing anything that isn’t a contract
  254. Get help if you’re depressed
  255. Research companies by talking to ex-employees
  256. Keep in mind industry resume standards
  257. Talk with your partner before accepting anything
  258. Unemployment is not a good time to start a company
  259. Make your job search viral with a bounty
  260. Get inspired by guerilla job search tactics
  261. Free-to-post job boards are mostly worthless
  262. Persistence does pay off
  263. Don’t wait for recruiters to respond
  264. Get recommendation letters before your last day of work
  265. The best time to research companies is before applying
  266. Track resume views with tools like Yesware
  267. Interview dress should be one level above what employees wear in company photos online
  268. The moment you feel comfortable in a job is the moment to start thinking about your next one
  269. Mention your full-time availability in your email signature
  270. Mention your full-time availability on your social media profiles
  271. Never accept the first offer (really)
  272. If a company rejects you, ask them if they can refer you to partners or clients
  273. Resume testimonial > summary > objective
  274. Check company news headlines before applying
  275. Target no more than 5 companies at a time
  276. Join a job search club
  277. Your LinkedIn profile can include everything your resume couldn’t
  278. Optimize your LinkedIn headline to get more views
  279. Optimize your LinkedIn profile for referrals
  280. Take advantage of free job search consults for second opinions
  281. The more you target a company, the more likely you are to get their attention
  282. Do as many information interviews as you can
  283. Speak at industry meetups to gain exposure
  284. Speak at startup conferences to position yourself as someone to hire
  285. Treat recruiters as you’d like to be treated
  286. Plan to be in a quiet place for phone interviews
  287. Record phone interviews on your smartphone for analysis later
  288. Test your computer setup before video interviews
  289. Model your resume on a targeted company’s employees’
  290. Learn at least one new work skill for which demand is growing
  291. Volunteer your skills for organizations that might be able to hire you
  292. Aim to apply to as few companies as possible
  293. Use positive action verbs in resumes
  294. Show promotions on resumes
  295. Resumes should focus on achievements, not responsibilities
  296. Use Facebook Ads to target people directly
  297. Use Google AdWords to target people directly
  298. Manage your job search like a marketing campaign
  299. Look for ways to get around gatekeepers
  300. Ask your alumni association for help
  301. Ask chambers of commerce which companies are arriving and need to hire
  302. Replacing employees on maternity or sick leave gets your foot in the door
  303. Gauge skill trends with industry job boards
  304. Be polite unless being rude will help more
  305. Be someone people want to work with
  306. A resume hobbies section makes you relatable
  307. Prepare a 30-60 second elevator pitch
  308. Fax machines are barely used anymore but still checked
  309. Dumbing down your resume will make you bitter
  310. Consider adjacent roles if they’re more in demand
  311. Propose trial-by-freelance as an audition for both sides
  312. Target employees at companies that reward them for referring candidates
  313. Contribute content to a company blog or social profile
  314. Keep in mind teleworking and remote jobs
  315. Career changes are easier when employer-driven
  316. Ask for leads in non-work settings
  317. Ask recent hires what worked for them
  318. Ask recent ex-employees why they left
  319. Better to reschedule than be late
  320. If you’re going to be late, call ahead asap
  321. Keep video testimonials on your smartphone
  322. Warn references when you think they’ll be contacted
  323. Don’t answer when a recruiter calls unless prepared
  324. Always give supporting examples in interviews
  325. Only apply to companies you can legally work for
  326. Rehearse your interview stories to make them as compelling as possible
  327. Post videos of yourself in action
  328. Volunteer online by joining an active open-source project
  329. A good excuse to follow up is to confirm resume reception
  330. A good excuse to call a company is to check if an ad is still open
  331. Practice a winning handshake
  332. Be polite when you can’t shake hands
  333. Accept all interview invites so you can get practice
  334. The more leads you have, the less nervous you’ll be
  335. Quality of boss is most likely to determine quality of work life
  336. It’s ok to walk into a company and ask point blank about openings
  337. Look for ways to help a company before applying there directly
  338. Attracting job offers leads to better results than searching for them
  339. Do NOT vent online after a bad interview
  340. Use a creative resume as a way to demonstrate relevant skills
  341. Your personal website should showcase achievements while providing downloadable resumes and full contact information
  342. Never pay to submit your resume
  343. Managing an industry job board is a great way to hear of openings first
  344. Use Google’s Advanced Search to find job listings that have been buried
  345. Post a job wanted listing on Craigslist
  346. LinkedIn job listings signal if you’re connected to anyone at the company
  347. Stock screeners can tell which companies are growing
  348. Reply asap to any inquiries about your resume and status
  349. The interview starts when you arrive on site
  350. Use social media to teach recruiters how to hire people like you
  351. Network with industry recruiters online
  352. Network with industry influencers online
  353. Be someone that industry recruiters want to follow online
  354. Get a smartphone with a data connection so you can react quickly
  355. When asking for recommendations, provide a template to make responding easier
  356. The more placeable a candidate, the more likely a placement agency will help you
  357. Get a recruiter’s attention by helping them
  358. Ask friends to bring along relevant contacts for coffee
  359. Attend events to meet specific people
  360. Always personalize messages when contacting strangers online
  361. Send a recruiter a memorable gift
  362. Know your industry’s biases
  363. Ask random industry people out for drinks
  364. When thanking, gift > phone call > handwritten letter > email > social media message
  365. Learning to code is a hot skill in any industry
  366. Don’t give up

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