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Thursday, April 21, 2016

25 Experts Tell How to Use Pinterest for Job Search

How to leverage the hottest social network for your job search.

25+ Experts Tell How to Use Pinterest for Job Search

Although it was founded in 2008, it was really in 2010-11 that Pinterest took off and became a favorite social network of tens of millions of people, especially in the US.

Once there’s such a critical mass of people on a social network, it becomes natural that some would use it to find a job.

Here’s how they’re doing it.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Free bonus: Download a spreadsheet with the top 200+ Pinterest job search boards for 2015 including contact information for many of the board owners.

28 Job Search Experts’ “Pinsights”

Jessica Merrell Jessica Merrell, blogging4jobs: Create boards with information worth sharing. most important is the board about you.
Dorlee M Dorlee M, dorleem: Pinterest can be a great way to conduct research on a company of interest (to see how they present themselves, what is important to them, what is their company culture) as well as an informal way to present who you are, what your interests are and how you are likely to represent your future employer on duty and off duty.
Rosa Vargas Rosa Vargas, CareerSteering: Be selective as to what you pin. Your pinning must reinforce your brand.
Miriam Salpeter Miriam Salpeter, miriamsalpeter: Don’t underestimate opportunities to connect with companies, potential colleagues and experts via Pinterest. Use Pinterest to learn information you may not otherwise know and be sure to leverage it to your advantage!
Sital Ruparelia Sital Ruparelia, sitalr: 1. Showcase portfolio of work achievements 2. Vision boards with images/quotes to inspire
Dawn Bugni Dawn Bugni, dawnbugni: As with any social media site, it’s important to engage. Follow companies of interest. Post info that supports your career expertise and gives insight into the whole person. Above all, remember there are no privacy settings. Anything liked or posted ties directly back to you. Pin wisely.
Julie Walraven Julie Walraven, juliewalraven: Make sure everything you put there represents the you that you would share with an employer.
Gayle Howard Gayle Howard, gaylemhoward: Search for jobs, job resources or for career wisdom and resources.
Jason Alba Jason Alba, JibberJobber: LOL I tell job seekers to stay away from Pinterest… for now. Unless you are in certain industries or professions, it’s a waste of time.
Tory Johnson Tory Johnson, toryjohnson: job searching is personal. Connect on mutual interests. Showcase your personality on your boards. Demo expertise in social
Hannah Morgan Hannah Morgan, careersherpa: Pin your brand in pictures and words! Include links to professional and not-too-personal interests.Think in terms of key words and be active. FYI…wrote a post about what pinterest says about you
Chandlee Bryan Chandlee Bryan, bestfitforward: Write an anecdotal resume that tells your career story
Jason Seiden Jason Seiden, jasonseiden: Be profersonal–mix some personality into your professional ambitions!
Jennifer McClure Jennifer McClure, jhjmcclure: create a visual resume via Pinterest to share!
Wendy Terwelp Wendy Terwelp, Whatever is put online should be on brand for you and your career goals – beyond the job search. Jobvite survey last year stated 89% of recruiters hire through social media. Pinterest is new. Growing fast. Can impact Google search results.
Alison Doyle Alison Doyle, alisonmdoyle: Show off your taste in peer work, pin infographics related to your specialty, and create a base of links to great articles. More Pinterest job seeker tips
Melissa Cooley Melissa Cooley, thejobquest: Choose items that reflect professional POVs. You can have boards/pins of a personal nature, but too much of that doesn’t .get your message across. Your brand gets lost in the shuffle as a result.
Susan Strayer Susan Strayer, evvivabrands: As a job seeker, use Pinterest to learn more about brands you’re interested in. We showcase our team and brand personality.
Joshua Waldman Joshua Waldman, joshuawaldman: Publish good stuff 🙂
Cyndy Trivella Cyndy Trivella, cyndytrivella: Great opportunity for creative types to connect & showcase their work.
Margo Rose Margo Rose, hrmargo: Create an infographic resume & post it there.
Mark Dyson Mark Anthony Dyson, markadyson: A quote from an interview that a job seeker had from a thought leader in his or her field is impressive to employers i.e. thought leaders in the job seeker’s industry, along with an image that captures the essence of the quote.
Neal Schaffer Neal Schaffer, nealschaffer: Pin websites you regularly read to keep up on your industry or profession – impress hiring manager & become a resource.
Karen Siwak Karen Siwak, karensiwak: If you are a visual thinker Pinterest can be useful, but don’t lose sight of the purpose behind the pictures.
Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, valueintowords: Pinterest is professional, light-hearted fun. Show spirit, enthusiasm and energy with your pin imagery. Beware of over-pinning; behave organically and naturally, yet strategically. Think before you publish.
Heather Coleman Voss Heather Coleman Voss, heatherecoleman: My favorite tip is to create boards that reflect your career interests and add value. Add a board that incorporates your own blog posts, too.
Jennifer Scott Jennifer Scott, hireeffect: Use boards to help demonstrate who you are to a potential employer. Include work and professional interests. and be sure to include key words in the pin descriptions.
Jacob Share Jacob Share, jacobshare: Create pin boards that show off your work portfolio, reflect your expertise and let you network with similar people & company reps.

Here’s a longer take:

Free Bonus

Download a sortable spreadsheet of the most popular Pinterest job search boards this year, including contact information for many of the board owners so you can ask them about their Pinterest branding success.

Click the image below to get access to the top 200+ Pinterest job search boards for 2015:

Top 200+ Pinterest Job Search Boards in 2015 download button

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

💡 37 Creative Business Card Holder Ideas to Inspire You

How to keep your business cards handy at work or on the go.

37 Creative Business Card Holder Ideas to Inspire You
Photo Credit: System One Gang

Employees need business cards.

Job seekers need business cards.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

But what’s the point in having them if you can’t quickly hand one out to someone you meet? Or worse, if you’re embarrassed to hand one out because it got rumpled in your purse or wallet?

That used to happen to me a lot at networking events. I would either forget my cards at home, or I would “forget” my cards at home even when I had some on me.

My first ever business cards came in a simple cardboard box that wasn’t practical to carry around, or nice enough to leave out on my desk for others to see.

My second set were handed to me with an elastic around them. Ugh.

Those were from different employers, but things improved when I started getting my own cards.

The first batch came in a simple, transparent (lucite?) plastic container where you could leave the cover off and use the bottom as a tray. That was fine until it fell one day and cracked.

Then I got creative. My old Iomega Clik! drive (a laptop accessory) carrying case looked very professional with it’s brushed aluminum-like exterior, and the size was right so I repurposed it as a mobile card holder. That was great until my wife decided she needed it more than I do ☺

As I just recently bought a new batch of business cards from Zazzle, I started looking for ideas for a new case and here are some of the cool ideas I found.

Free bonus: How To Find Great Freelance Designers Anywhere is a quick read of case studies and takeaways from people who have done it, with resources to help. Download it free now

1) Portable carrying cases

MacBook Pocket Mirror Business Card Holder

“This business holder is shaped like an Apple MacBook, comes in three different versions: a MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air.”

macbook pocket mirror business card holder


Transparent Business Card Holder

“With New York fashion week just around the corner (and about a million opportunities to embarrass myself with grubby business cards), it’s clearly time to invest in a card holder. The last thing you want is that awkward situation where you have a card on you, but they’ve been sitting at the bottom of your handbag for a few months and, oh wait, also have melted chocolate on them.  ”

transparent business card holder


Mod Podge Tin Business Card Holder

“This time tomorrow, I will be on the plane with my friend, Kelly, headed to SNAP!  Remember those tins I found in my messy craft closet that I had bought from PYP?  Well, I finally figured out something else to do with them!”

mod podge tin business card holder


Wallpaper Covered Business Card Holder

“Well, back to my search…I couldn’t find any that I liked, not even one that I wasn’t willing to pay for or too much money. My search ended with Etsy with no such luck. There just isn’t much of a variety out there. So as my disappointment continued, I decided that I would make my own business card holder.”

wallpaper covered business card holder


Altoid Tin Business Card Holder

“I was struggling to think of an idea for displaying my business cards at the show this weekend. I didn’t want to get one of the standard holders you can find at the store. I wanted something a little more creative, with a handmade touch. With a little embellishment, I was able to turn an old Altoids tin into a cute business card holder!”

altoids tin business card holder



Salaryman Watch: NES Controller Business Card Holder

“The NES Controller Type Card Case, to be exact, a ¥2,900 (US$31) anodized aluminum folder with a pair of compartments within — one for your cards, and one for those you receive.  There are two designs, neither of which do more than the other. Each looks like an NES controller, but one has a fake mic and volume switch in addition to the fake D-Pad.”

nes controller business card holder


Korean Souvenir Business Card

“This business card case was bought at the National Museum of Korea in Seoul.”

korean souvenir business card holder


Moo Card Complementary Business Card Holder

“Along with my order, Moo included this complementary business card holder.”

moo card complementary business card holder


Luxurious Argyle with an Anchor Model Business Card Holder

“After much thought and deliberation, and being made fun of by Leo and Rebecca, I’ve made the difficult decision to retire the old cassette case/business card holder.  As you can see in the image provided, I opted for the luxurious argyle with an anchor model.”

luxurious argyle with anchor business card holder


Origami Business Card Holder

“An extremely simple and easy origami. Made of thin art paper, this business card holder can hold as much as 15 cards, or even more with a little adjustment. ”

origami business card holder

A different style:

Howaboutorange Origami Business Card Holder

“Here’s a quick and easy origami project: a business card case or gift card holder. Use patterned gift wrap (I like heavier-weight wrapping paper for a sturdier case), graph paper, a paper bag, magazine pages, or origami paper. Decorate the case with washi tape or stamps for a cute way to present gift cards.”

howaboutorange origami business card holder


Sandy Mairart Felt Business Card Holder

“When we headed off on holiday recently I knew I needed a project to work on while we were en route, so I decided to dig through my stash of felted fabric and make one to hang onto.”

felt business card holder


Rock Paper Feather Felt Business Card Holder

“After we finished our cards, I whipped up these little card holders out of scraps of felt so we would get them out and about with us right away.”

rock paper feather business card holder


Oh My! Felt Business Card Holder

“Stop throwing them in the bottom of your purse (or is that just me?) and slip them into a fun handmade case. I am lightening up our ethics theme with this simple DIY project for a felt business card holder. ”

ohmyhandmade diy business card holder


1980s Business Card Holder

“Thought my dad’s old 1980s business card holder was pretty hilarious.”

1980s business card holder

Old Cassette Case Business Card Holder

“Once upon a time, the music world created these things called cassette tapes.  They held recorded music from bands with big hair.  When a pretty girl from a really cool all natural me website gathered a lot of them, she decided to re-purpose them instead of sending them to the landfill.  She decided to transform them into upcycled business card holders.”

upcycled business card holder


The Purple Fig Fabric Business Card Holder

“I’ve wanted to make a business card holder for quite come time. My friend Trish is in the final stages of having her online magazine ” The Purple Fig” redesigned.  It was the perfect opportunity to make one for her.”

the purple fig fabric business card holder


DIY Fabric Scrap Business Card Holder

“I decided to make a business card holder before the class resumes because I know that I’ll be busy again tutoring my son. Business card holder is my second sewing project after I’ve made the pajama. I wanted to use the fabric scrap so it won’t put to waste. ”

diy fabric business card holder


Crafty Cupboard Fabric Business Card Holder

“With the Creative Estates coming up soon (as in, next weekend!), I thought I’d get on the ball and
have something to hold my “business” cards while I am there.”

craftycupboard business card holder


Rare Bird Fabric Business Card Holder

“And here’s what Neetu created: a fabric business card holder & a zipper pouch for her new sunnies! #swanky #stylin #diy #sew #craft #create @klumhouse”

fabric business card holder


Mother’s Day Giveaway Business Card Holder

“I decided to do this giveaway after spending sometime with my friend. Below is a short story (or a long one) of my friend who is a great mom that I like to share.”

moms rock business card holder


Simply Clarke Personalized Business Card Holder

“The week before last, I received my new business cards in the mail. I was so excited to finally have them for my blog, but then I realized that I didn’t have anything to “put them in”. So, I went searching on Etsy and found Gisella’s Designs. She has such cute stuff!!”

simply clarke business card holder


2) Desk holders and display cases

3D Printed Electronic Business Card Holder

“My colleagues and I were looking for an idea for a gift to our boss and saw that he had business cards lying on his table without any order,” Sambrerra tells “Thus was born the idea of making a box for the storage of these business cards.”

3d printed electronic business card holder


Glamorized Business Card Holder

“I use different color business card holders and jazz them up a bit. I usually like to use vintage jewelry pieces that are missing a pin back or some other part. I try to put pieces together that seem like they belong together then I glue them on the card holders. ”

glamorized business card holders


Andy Avalar Business Card Holder

“After spending years in the computer repair business, mixed media artist Andy Avalar found a good use for all of the old computer and electronic components he collected by transforming them into unique business card holders. Each is a one-of-a-kind, upcycled piece of functional art. Designed to hold business cards horizontally or vertically, the pieces make a statement about your cards, and keep discarded electronics out of the landfill.”

andy avalar business cards holder


Polymer Clay Business Card Holder

“I’ve collected quite a few business cards this past summer and like to keep them by my computer for when I have time to look people up. Instead of buying a boring business card holder from a big box store, I thought I’d use up some clay I had on hand to make a couple of pretty ones.”

polymer clay business card holder


Vintage Eyeglasses Business Card Holder

“Business card holder made from vintage glasses, spectacles, geekery”

vintage glasses business card holder


Red Retro Couch Polymer Clay Business Card Holder

red retro couch business card holder


C3 Business Card Holder

Here is a business card holder I designed for our department at work. His body opens up and holds more cards w/ a die cut window for our icon to show. His helmet is made from an overhead projector acetate sheet.

c3 business card holder


Wooden Toy Truck Business Card Holder

“Our Handmade Wooden Toy Truck Business Card Holder is made of solid wood. Measurements for our truck: Is 9″ inches in length, 4″ inches Wide, and is 3 1/2″ inches tall… The bed can come away from the cab. But the truck can not move. Is ment to stay put.”

wooden toy truck business card holder


Spoon Business Card Holder

spoon business card holders


Ferrigno Business Card Holder

ferrigno business card holder


Yellow Pages Business Card Holder

“This card holder design re-uses last year’s YellowPages directory as its main material. The directory needs to be trimmed to the right diameter (approx. 394pages), rolled up and inserted into a metal tube. The size and exact use of the object is up to the maker, from photos to notes, business cards to envelopes. The product can be stored either vertically or horizontally. ”

yellow page business card holder


Cardstock Business Card Holder

“I had seen this on SC and just had to do it.  It is such a cute way to display your business cards. ”

cardstock business card holder


Metal Wire Business Card Holder

“ I was scrounging around for more springs, I came across a couple of rather large springs…they wouldn’t do for vases…so what else could I concoct?”

metal wire business card holder


Lego Brick Business Card Holder

A custom LEGO business card holder I made for my Etsy shop

lego brick business card holder


Hot Rod Business Card Holder

“Custom hot rod business card holder made from repurposed engine and car parts.”

hot rod business card holder


READ NEXT: Top 10 Coolest-Looking Augmented Reality Business Card Designs

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  • The Top Freelance Design Marketplaces

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