Pick job search resolutions you can actually keep this year.
Photo by Joshua Earle
New Year's resolutions are often counter-productive
You see January 1st coming, and you think, now's a great time for a fresh start. Now's the time I'm finally going to do that thing I've been meaning to do all of last year! (And the year before that, and the year before that…)
Plus, everyone else is also in on this resolutions thing, and they're going to ask you about yours at the upcoming New Year's Eve party. You better have an answer ready, right?
You choose a resolution that sounds great like “losing 20 pounds” or “paying off all my debt”, something that will require you to make big, tough changes to your lifestyle, because if you're going to shoot, may as well shoot for the moon, right?
You take a few stabs at it, but it's not easy – it wasn't supposed to be – and life intervenes, and then you start hitting the same obstacles you've hit in the past. The resolution gets set aside, time goes by… and all of a sudden, it's December and time to make New Year's resolutions all over again.
Don't pay for over-reaching by getting frustrated and depressed.
Instead, first aim low so you can build momentum. Baby steps don't sound as sexy, but people will admire you more when they see you actually kept your resolutions, and you'll feel a lot better about yourself. Your new-found confidence will let you aim higher moving forward, this year or next.
Do you guys have any New Years resolutions this year? I still remember all of mine from the last 5 years & ive accomplished all of them!
A1: My primary resolution for 2107 was to find a new job closer to home. I’m happy so say that I started my new position in August and loving it so far. #CodeNewbie
The Best Article on New Year Resolutions for Job Seekers
I'm not big on New Year's resolutions for myself.
If I want to make a change – and there's always something to improve – I try to get started on it asap. The time of year makes no difference.
But many people do care. I get that. And it usually is more fun to do something that others are doing too, and to talk about it over dinner and drinks at a party.
So I took a look around to see what kinds of job search resolutions other experts are blogging about, such as the authors of the Top Job Search Articles of 2017.
Let's take a look what you can pick and choose from.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.
16 Job search resolutions that don't suck
1. I promise not to apply for positions I am definitely not qualified for.
This seems like an easy resolution to keep, because it's about doing less work. But you know how easy it is to just keep applying to as many jobs as possible, especially when you feel like your job search isn't moving forward quickly enough.
That temptation is hard to resist.
The reality is that one of the main reasons you're not getting interview invites is because you're simply not a good fit for the position.
2. I will work on building relationships with my recruiter by helping him/her as much as they help me.
I'm not surprised Jeff, being a recruiter, would recommend this.
Many job seekers have a hate/hate relationship with recruiters until they're actually helped by one, at which point the recruiter becomes the greatest person ever, and then the job seeker completely forgets about them until their next job search.
So thinks the recruiter.
But you probably don't have “a recruiter.” There are just recruiters, at job fairs, at companies, maybe at conferences… and besides, how could *you* help *them*?
The irony is recruiters might just need you more than you need them.
A recruiter might place you in a new job you'll have for a few years, but they're always on the lookout for new clients with openings to fill, and new candidates to fill those openings with.
Resolve to connect with a few local recruiters in your space, and keep in touch like Jeff says. Help them and they'll help you when you need it.
3. I will meet (on the phone or in person) three new people a week who can help me with my job search.
It's too easy to lurk behind a computer screen for days on end sifting through job boards, like I did in my 10-month job search back in 2002.
Meeting new people every week opens you up to new leads, new opportunities and new ideas. Piggyback on the previous resolution by including recruiters in your list.
4. I will learn to leverage Social Media as a vehicle for communicating about myself, and not just as a distraction for hours chatting with new friends.
Where do the experts and influencers in your industry hang out on social media?
Pick the influencers' most popular social network and then start growing a presence on it where you discuss advice, hot topics, industry news and whatever else the influencers discuss. Share your expertise as much as possible and people will notice.
I think for my New Years resolution I’m going to take twitter off my phone. I’ll still keep it on the iPad but I get too addicted to checking all day and that’s not great in terms of being a productive member of my team and/or keeping my job.
5. I will not assume a person cannot help me find a job. They may know a great contact I need to meet.
You never know where your next job will come from.
And you never will, if you keep your job search to yourself. Talk to neighbors, parents at your kids' school, taxi drivers. Cast your net as wide as possible, as I said in 37 Ways to Meet People Who Can Refer You to Jobs.
6. I will set up informal discussions with decision-makers/hiring managers even if they are not hiring right now. They may be hiring soon.
Busy people need a reason to make time in their schedule, and they're not going to invite you into their office if they suspect you just want to ask for a job.
Instead, line up information interviews by looking for people who would be interested in hearing your expertise.
For example, I once coached a job seeker to meet the vice-president of a large company over drinks. He was curious about her experience with a certain technology his company was considering, and she as a foreigner wanted to learn about the local industry.
7. I will consider that my resume may not be as good as it could be and seek advice.
Employed or not, get second opinions about your resume. In particular, aim for people in your industry and best yet, people at companies you'd like to work for i.e. people whose resumes have gotten them jobs at companies you'd like to work for.
8. I will acknowledge that I may not be an interviewing pro. Especially if I’ve interviewed a lot and have not landed a job. I will seek professional advice.
9. I will consider my job search to be a full time job and will dedicate the appropriate amount of time for it. And prioritize it ahead of TV and computer games.
Job search is a full-time job, but that doesn't mean you should spend 8 hours a day sending in job applications.
Schedule your time with a calendar, just like you would at work, to cover all your job search-related activities: company research, networking, applying, interview preparation, going to interviews, followups, etc.
resolution: don’t let my anxiety get the best of me again and return the call for a job interview
10. I will build a plan for my job hunt by outlining resources to research and key people to contact. I will create a schedule, too. Milestones and goals are important.
This dovetails with the previous resolution, but keep it simple. Don't overthink your plan. Your job search doesn't need to be months on end, but you really can make your life easier by thinking ahead and trying to do things in the right order. Such as researching companies early on, and not at the last minute before you need to decide on a job offer.
11. When I get discouraged, I will share my concerns with a few trusted friends who can offer good advice (instead of giving up hope).
Having a support group is so underrated for job seekers, where your lost self-confidence is such a common problem. Make sure you have a few people who will be honest but encouraging. There will be more obstacles in your job search, and not just the ones that make New Year's resolutions hard to keep.
12. If unemployed, I will volunteer. I will make good use of my time by meeting new people and creating substance for a discussion on “what I’ve been up to recently.” I will make a difference when many can use my assistance.
Volunteering with your expertise is a great way to “stay on top of industry trends, and find out early which companies are about to start hiring” as I said in 61 Hidden Job Market Secrets Without Using Social Media. It will also keep your confidence up, and keep you sharp if you can practice your skills regularly. Other volunteers or contributors may even be able to refer you to your next employer.
13. Read. Learn. Teach. I will educate myself or others on a subject-matter than is pertinent to my profession.
Take advantage of the fact that many employees are under-trained and unable to keep their skills current due to their workload, and that includes employed job seekers.
Spend up to half your full-time job search by improving your skills and building new ones that will make you a more valuable candidate and open you to new roles and possibilities that are currently in demand. Then, show off your new and improved skills.
14. I will consider exercise to be a good stress-reliever and pick a program I will enjoy (not necessarily bring the fastest results).
15. I will think about what I liked and disliked in previous jobs and develop the ultimate job description. I will use this to give my search focus and meaning.
You're impatient. You want to start working in a great job asap, and end the job search uncertainly already, whether you started looking yesterday or 3 months ago.
Too often, being impatient leads to short cuts or just missed steps, like properly choosing your focus as Jeff suggests.
A focused job search is better in every way, and the more focused, the easier it is to judge when something will take you off track.
And finally-
16. I will consider new industries and career paths, but I will research the likelihood of being able to make that switch easily.
With so many people hating their jobs and so many others like you almost wishing they had a job to hate, a career change might be the ticket to make things better. All too often though, job seekers aim for new careers they're barely qualified for (if at all) but are then surprised when they get few-to-no interview invites (see resolution #1 above).
Jeff hits the nail on the head when he cautions you to check the water temperature before you jump in the pool. You should be able to save yourself from a lot of suffering later.
2018 Resolution: stay at a job long enough to make it to the holiday party
The only list of internships in Israel you'll need this year.
Photo by Arno Smit
Quit googling “israel internships summer 2018”. If you're considering an internship in Israel in 2018, you've come to the right place.
Not only does this article have the longest list of internships, it has answers to common questions, success stories to inspire you and help you choose, and even a downloadable spreadsheet you can use to keep track of your applications.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.
Next, go through the internships list below, using the spreadsheet to note which programs to apply for, and later, track your progress.
Keep in mind as you go through the list is that while some of the internships listed below are paid, many have significant fees to cover besides airfare and living expenses.
Even if your parents can help out or you can dip into some of your own savings, it might not be enough. So…
How will you fund your Israel internship?
Here are some ideas on how to pay your way:
Grants – for example, many of the internships listed here allow you to cover at least part of your fees with a Masa grant
Funds and scholarships – apply for funds and scholarships, such as Keith Berman's fund. Also, many of the organizations listed offer their own scholarships.
Crowdfunding – crowdfund your internship using Gofundme like Molly did
Other questions and remarks I've had:
Any internships for non-Jews?
Many of the internships do specifically say they're aimed at Jews, but not all. If you're not Jewish, avoid organizations that specifically mention Judaism or Zionism in their name or internship description. If you take a look at the success stories, you'll see a few are from non-Jews.
The internship I want is no longer available, or the deadline has passed.
If there's an internship that interests you but the application deadline has passed, you should still reach out to the organization. On the one hand, there may be some flexibility if the application deadline was recent. On the other hand, last minute cancellations mean open spots for you.
Ultimately, the list is like a job board. It's up to the organizations featured to update about any changes to their listings.
Israel internship success stories
Get a taste of past interns' experiences by reading their stories:
A Chinese student interned at IN-VENT, a startup co-working space in Haifa:
On to the list…
Spring and Summer 2018 internships
TopIsraelInterns.com – “provides prestigious internships in a wide variety of fields and professions. Their 6-week Summer programs, and 5-month programs (Spring, or Fall), are perfect for those looking to boost their career, and enter the job market. Explore their internship options today.” TBD- Summer 2018: $3500 USD (including accommodations) Or: $1900 USD (if you wish to find other accommodations). Spring Session – January 17, 2018 – June 7, 2018: City – $7500 USD excluding Masa grant, $3000 – $4500 including Masa grant, or Suburban – $5,950 USD excluding Masa grant, $1,500-$3,00 USD including Masa grant.
WUJS Israel – “over 400 customized internship and arts placements. Options include: high tech, medical research, journalism, TV, new media, marketing, human rights, politics, photography, film production, visual arts and more. As a WUJS intern you’ll learn Hebrew in our private Ulpan, and learn more about the country with weekly trips exploring different areas and themes in Israeli culture. You’ll also develop friendships with Israeli students who also join the program’s activities.” WUJS INTERN/ART SPRING 2018 SEMESTER: January 10, 2018 – June 4, 2018. TEL AVIV INTERN: $7,950 ( Only $4,950- With Masa Grant). TEL AVIV ART: $8,300 ( Only $5,300 With Masa Grant). HAIFA INTERN $4950 (Only $2,000- With Masa Grant). HAIFA ART $5,250 (Only $2,250 With Masa Grant). Discount: $200 off if you've previously attended a Young Judaea camp or went on a YJ Israel program.
Summer 2018 internships
Clinical Data Programming Internship – TechnoSTAT is a cutting-edge Ra'anana-based clinical research firm that offers a wide range of services to global biomedical companies. If you are interested in data and clinical research, this 3-month (mid-July through mid-October 2018) internship is right for you. Interns who excel in the internship may be offered a full-time position at the conclusion of the internship. Interns will receive a stipend and local travel expenses are covered. To apply, start by registering for one of the testing dates by writing to intern@technostat.co.il.
Livnot Galilee Trek & Connect – Livnot, in partnering with the Israel Antiquities Authority and Onward Israel, is offering a community service program in the heart of the Galilee. You will be involved in various archaeological and volunteering activities that will let you explore Israel’s ancient past, impact its present, and preserve its future. Connect with the diverse population of northern Israel and your own personal and Jewish identity.
AMIRIM – The WUJS Summer Experience – The perfect blend of structure and freedom to explore Israel on your own. You choose the length! 4 or 8 week options. You choose the location! Tel Aviv, Bat Yam and Jerusalem. Option to combine Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in one summer. Rich itinerary of inspiring day and overnight tours relating to Judaism, Israel and the Middle East. Live in apartments with Israeli students your own age! Registration for Amirim 2018 will open in November 2017.
Taglit Birthright Israel's Business Experience Program – a 10-week internship program for students pursuing careers in business and technology. Candidates who are accepted into the program are assigned to an internship in Israel in fields such as finance, venture capital, consulting, and technology. Throughout the summer internship, Fellows can expect to gain in-depth knowledge and experience from high-level executives. Birthright Israel Excel Fellows become an integral part of the team in the office.
Abraham Hostels & Tours Programs – Started by a group of international travelers and backpackers, Abraham Hostels & Tours was founded in Jerusalem in order to create a home for independent travelers in Israel and the Middle East. Our vision is to provide an exceptional traveling experience for independent travelers – from backpackers to couples, families and small groups. We aim to meet all needs of backpacking globetrotters, from an affordable bed and trustworthy tours to travel information, language classes, bike rentals and memorable in-house events. A number of internships in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Nazareth (“the Jesus Trail”) are offered in the tourism and travel industries, with work related to project management, marketing, photography and more. Accommodation is provided and local travel fees are covered.
The TAMID Group Fellowship – a competitive, 8-week summer internship program that provides outstanding TAMID Group leaders with the opportunity to work with host companies in Israel while living in Tel Aviv. TAMID Fellows come from a range of backgrounds, including business, computer science, and liberal arts. What they have in common is a strong track record, inside and outside the classroom, and a desire to tackle and complete substantive business projects that will contribute to their company’s growth. Past projects addressed challenges such as pricing strategy, supply chain, market research, digital marketing web development, beta testing, competitor analysis, financial modeling, and more.
Facebook Data Scientist, Analytics Intern (Tel Aviv Summer 2018) – The internship experience involves a training period, a project owned by the intern under mentorship of a Facebook Data Scientist, followed by a period working as a full-time Data Scientist. You will apply your expertise in quantitative analysis and data mining to understand how our users interact with our core/business products, identify trends and opportunities, and influence the direction of the product team.
Tel Aviv University International Summer Internship Program – In the current competitive global environment, experiencing different cultures is an investment for your future. Tel Aviv University International invites you to immerse yourself in our excellent academic program and intern in Tel Aviv, one of the world's most exciting cities, all while experiencing the real Israeli lifestyle! Program Length: 7 weeks. Language of Instruction: English. Tuition: $2,000. Application Deadline: March 15, 2018. Program Dates: First session- June 10th – July 29th, 2018.
Israel Tech Challenge – Our interns work as software developers at Israel's leading technology companies. Gain the skills you need to launch a successful career in tech. Enjoy a paid internship in one of Israel's top tech companies (expect around 5,500-6,000 NIS per month). Join an international experience for excellent computer science / Software Development students. (May 21st – August 2nd 2018, Tel Aviv) Compensation: $2,500
Summer in Jerusalem – An amazing opportunity for college students to live, learn and work in Jerusalem. Join us as we create an exciting social and religious summer community in the heart of the Old City! OU/JLIC educators Rabbi Elie and Miriam Schwartz will be spending the summer together with you in Jerusalem, and they are joining up with the teaching staff of Orayta and World Mizrachi to bring you a fabulous learning experience. Early Bird Special (until Jan 15) – $650. Includes: housing, personalized internship placement, Beit Midrash program, Shabbatot and health insurance. (June 20 – August 5, 2018)
The Jerusalem Press Club Fellowship Program – The JPC launched in September 2017 a fellowship program opened to international journalism students. The fellowship is a unique program, that provides work experience with leading media outlets in Israel, alongside an extracurricular program to enrich their journalistic experience in Israel.
The four fellows were chosen by a committee made up of world-known and well-experienced journalists, who have been a part of this field for decades. The four members of the first round of JPC Fellowship – made possible by a generous grant from the Crown Family Philanthropies – participated in JPC’s toast for the new year. The program is a 3-month long program. Send applications no later than February 1st, 2018.
Year-round internships
Aardvark Israel – Participants of our Israel gap year programs are given a wide range of choices and are placed at sites that match their interests and skills for the duration of each semester. You will volunteer three to four mornings a week, giving you the chance to build your resume, interact with the Israelis, and contribute to Israeli society. In addition to the numerous options you will be given, the staff is available to identify additional options to suit your individual preferences.
Torah Tech Elite Gap Year Program – Torah Tech is a unique gap-year program in Israel for young men that integrates intensive Torah study with professional development through business internships. Students will also connect to the land of Israel through exciting trips and tours, give back to the community through chessed projects and volunteer work, hear from distinguished religious personalities from both the Torah and corporate worlds, and enjoy exclusive access to nearby gyms, men-only beaches, self defense training courses, and much more.
Big Idea Gap Year – BIG IDEA Gap Year PLUS is a five-month internship extension program. Use your knowledge in developing mobile and web application and gain more hands-on work experience. Be a part of the Israeli hi-tech industry, intern in Israeli Hi-tech company. Travel and explore Israel, work on your Hebrew and live independently with your friends. Participants who sign up for BIG IDEA Gap Year PLUS will participate on the 5 month gap year program in Be'er Sheva and then continue for another 5 month internship program extension in Tel Aviv or Be'er Sheva. $200 application fee. Spring semester: February 11, 2018 – July 25, 2018. Fall semester: September 2018 – February 2019. Full Year Experience: September 2018 – June 2019. New – Up to $2000 masa grant!
Shurat HaDin’s Internship Programs – Shurat HaDin’s internship programs provide law students with a unique opportunity to play a role in the fight against terrorist organizations and states or institutions sponsoring terror. Students will work in a dynamic environment with volunteer lawyers from around the world. Our program is not found at other institutions or non-government organizations and the acquired experience is invaluable, providing you with an edge when competing for a post-graduation job.
Tikkun Olam Internship Track – Tikkun Olam's new Internship Track lets you gain valuable career experience in the non-profit sector, while living among the populations you work with, studying the complex issues facing Israeli society and gaining important skills for social entrepreneurship. The Internship Track is the only internship program in Israel that specializes in non-profit work, so you can prepare yourself for a future career while making a difference in the lives of others! $100 non-refundable application fee. Masa grants are applicable.
The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Internships – The Institute for National Security Studies does not respond to unsolicited applications for paid positions. We offer internship positions to graduate students and academics with backgrounds in international relations, strategy, the Middle East, or Israel's national security. Priority will be given to M.A. students. Applications should be sent to Michal Hatuel-Radoshitzky at michalh@inss.org.il. (NO FEES)
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development Internships – for university/college students and graduates. ICSD is a Jerusalem-based non-profit that carries out its mission through multiple programs: A cross-cultural (Jewish and Arab) women’s environmental group; seminars on faith and ecology for seminary students and religious leaders; group tours on the connection between ecology, faith teachings, and the Holy Land; and an international faith and science cohort that works through media and discourse to address climate change. (NO FEES)
JCPA Internship Program – “The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs is a leading Israeli think tank dealing with Israel's security needs. Interns may engage in research and/or marketing/social media activities.” (NO FEES)
Amira Margalith Research Internship Program – An internship with the Moshe Dayan Center provides a unique experience to work intimately with a group of world-renowned scholars and experts in Middle Eastern and African Studies. Applications will be accepted up to February 28 of each year, with decisions made by March 30. (NO FEES)
Jinternship.com – Internships with Jerusalem-based companies in every field for Jewish college students who want a unique opportunity to intern in Israel and explore their Jewish heritage. Costs range from $350 up, depending on the length of the program, and include room and other amenities.
Did you download your spreadsheet copy yet? It contains all the internships listed here and their contact information in an easily sortable format you can use to track which internships you applied for.
The Global Intern – An internship abroad is an amazing experience that will have a profound influence on you today and throughout your future as a professional. For the same cost as just three to six credits at an American university, a global internship will: Make you stand out from the crowd, both in your resume and graduate school application; Offer you an authentic experience abroad, where you immerse yourself in a unique culture as a local, not just as a tourist; Give you a leg up in the job market with highly-valued international work experience, something especially important to international firms; Put your classroom lessons into action by applying them to real world situations; Start your lifelong process of building quality professional contacts, essential to your career growth now and in years to come.
Peres Center for Peace – The Peres Center offers exciting, challenging and hands-on internships and volunteer opportunities. If you are looking to gain real insight and experience into the operation and activities of Israel's leading non-profit organization promoting peace building between Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, then the Peres Center is the place for you!
Windows – Channels for Communication (AKA Windows for Peace) – Interns and volunteers with Windows are offered a unique opportunity to work within an organization with 25 years experience of peace building education: learn about the complexities of the Palestinian-Israeli reality and contribute to the promotion of just peace. Internships are available at our Tel Aviv-Jaffa office doing social media, fundraising, events coordination, web development or translation work. Minimum of 3 months/15 hours per week. There are internship positions available year-round on their website.
Israel Story Internship – Israel Story is a documentary storytelling radio show/podcast, and we’re looking for interns for the English version of our show. Now is an especially exciting time to join— we recently finished our second English season in co-production with Tablet Magazine, and distributed by PRX! For this position, you could choose to live in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv-Yafo. Either way, you’ll get to explore the country as you help us find and tell the stories of Israel’s most interesting characters. Positions require a 5 month commitment, which could lead to a longer-term, paid job. The position is unpaid, but outside funding may be available, for instance via a Masa grant. Candidates with experience in audio production, production logistics, storytelling, multimedia production, musical production, scoring, journalism, and/or social media are strongly encouraged to apply. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and links for 2-3 examples of your work to internships@israelstory.org
Career Israel 5-Month Program – “You will intern 25-30 hours each week at your internship, and you will still get to travel and see parts of Israel you have never experienced. The next Career Israel session runs from January 23rd-June 6th 2018. Tuition Fee: Jerusalem – $7,650, Tel Aviv Apartment Style – $7,650, Tel Aviv Dorm Style – $7,350, Tel Aviv Dorm Style Single Room – $7,650 + $950. Price does NOT include $50 Application Fee.
Israel Forever Foundation – Internships are an incredible way to expand your professional experience. As an intern with Israel Forever, you will be actively involved in the fulfillment of our mission to connect Jews around the world with Israel. Opportunities are available in our main centers of Washington DC and Israel, or as a part of our “virtual office” from your corner of the world, allowing our team to reflect the international nature of our global community.
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies – Each year, the Arava Institute accepts interns for 2-12 months who focus their research in one or two of the research centers. Interns contribute substantively to trans-boundary research through a defined project under the direction of a faculty member, while gaining a valuable professional, academic, and personal experience. Interns develop skills in environmental research and development, environmental policy, and project management; gain important professional contacts and build effective community based partnerships; and become a vital part of the global network of accomplished Arava Institute alumni. The Arava Institute welcomes interns from varied backgrounds, including the social and the natural sciences. To apply for an internship, and to learn more, click here. Masa grants are applicable.
Israel by Design – Your Israel by Design program gives you the chance to work in a wide variety of skilled volunteer or professional work placements, providing a unique hands-on experience of Israeli society. We arrange your volunteer or internship activities according to your needs, skills and interests, and you decide how many hours per week you want to commit to. Of course, you can choose to volunteer or work in one place or several and divide your time accordingly. Masa grants are applicable.
Way More Israel – co-ed, ages 19-28. “You’ll spend an incredible seven weeks living in Jerusalem’s historic Old City while learning Hebrew, volunteering and building your career. You’ll have an authentic Israel experience as you live like a local. With trips, classes/workshops on timely Jewish topics and amazing internship positions, you’ll get way more than you ever imagined.” The program’s list price is $7300. WMI gives a $1000 automatic entrance scholarship. Masa gives a $1250 grant to applicants ages 18-21 and a $3000 grant to applicants ages 22-30. Additional Masa scholarships are available to those who can prove financial need. The final cost is $5050 for ages 18-21 and $3300 for ages 22-30 for the full 5 months. DATES: Spring 5 month session January 30 – June 28, 2018*. Fly out dates are September 3 and January 30. Additional Masa scholarships are available to those who can prove financial need.
Israel Government Fellows – The heart of the IGF program is the fellowship experience in the Israeli government and in related organizations. Fellows are placed in serious positions of genuine responsibility, where they are placed based on their skills, preferences and interests, as well as their relevance to the various positions. Fellows will managed and guided by their mentors, who are unit, department, or division directors. Fellows will also be mentored by the program deputy director, who is in contact with both Fellows and their mentors. Both will be working together with the Fellows to ensure a fulfilling, professionally challenging and rewarding fellowship experience. Masa grants are applicable.
iTrack – iTrack is a personalized 5-10 month Israel experience program that is designed for young adults between the ages of 18 and 30. The goal is for each participant to build a program that suits his or her specific needs and desires. Every participant, together with the iTrack staff, builds a program that suits the experience that he or she wants to have while in Israel. All programs include Ulpan and monthly excursions and cultural events in order help you to get to know Israel. MASA grants are available which can help significantly reduce the cost of your program and priority is given to participants receiving grants.
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies – The Pardes Year Program offers you the opportunity to delve deeply into Jewish ideas, texts and personal questions – empowering you to make Judaism your own. You’ll come away with skills, knowledge and inspiration under your belt, a lifelong community of passionate peers and mentors, and the life-changing experience of living and learning in vibrant, fascinating Jerusalem. The Pardes Year / Semester Program (full-time option) is powered by Masa Israel Journey, which offers generous grants, educational enrichment and leadership development to eligible participants. Spring Semester 2018: Jan 17, 2018 (Orientation day), Jan. 21, 2018 – May 31, 2018. Tuition: Full year 2017-18: $5,750 and Single semester 2017-18: $3,700. Contact registrar@pardes.org.il for more information. Masa Grant applicable.
Tel Aviv University Study Abroad and Internship Program – Are you looking to gain global professional experience while studying abroad? Tel Aviv University and Masa Israel Journey are excited to announce the launch of a new initiative that connects international students with a professional internship in their field of interest. Program dates: January – July (Spring), June – December (Fall), June – May (Year). Tuition: $8,750 (Semester); $13,000 (Year). Scholarships available.
Lirom Academic Internships in Israel – Lirom Global Education offers students from around the world the opportunity to partake in a semester-length internship in Israel… Our Internship Placement Coordinator will work directly with you to find your ideal internship. Here are some of the fields we currently offer internships in: Hospitality, Culinary Arts, Hi-Tech, Non-Profits and Education. $500 placement fee – which covers up to 2 placements. $50 registration fee.
GoEco Israel Internships and Volunteer Programs – In addition to volunteering, GoEco offers excellent internship opportunities for those who want to gain international work experiences. Interns will receive personal attention, guidance and feedback from their mentors while participating in these specially designed programs. Upon completion, interns will have a professional reference and be able to set themselves apart from others when applying for jobs or promotions.
Intern with ACRI – For law students or lawyers: we offer internship positions for a period of 8-12 weeks usually in our main office in Tel Aviv. In some cases the internship can also be full or part time from our Jerusalem and Nazareth offices. Please note that internships are unpaid and applicants are therefore encouraged to secure public interest fellowships or other sources of funding. The internship is open to applicants from Israel and from overseas. For Summer 2018 (June-September 2018) please submit applications by January 1st, 2018. Primary response to these applications will be sent by e-mail only after due date (January 1st, 2018).
Destination in Israel – An incredible international experience – in English – with other 18-30 year olds from more than 37 different countries! Internship in your field of interest. Shared apartment in Tel Aviv or Yafo (you choose!). Modern Israeli Hebrew ulpan. Date: January 23 – June 4, 2018. Masa Grants are applicable.
Tikkun Olam Post-College – Tikkun Olam is a Masa Israel Award-Winning 5-10 month volunteer and study program for English-speakers ages 21-30. Participants choose between four tracks: the Social Action Track in South Tel Aviv, the MA Track in conjunction with Hebrew University, the Israeli-Arab Coexistence Track in Jaffa or the Internship Track. Throughout the program participants live, volunteer and study within their chosen track, while exploring Israel and Jewish culture. Please visit us at http://ift.tt/2BWtGcs to learn more and register, or contact us at tikkunolam@bina.org.il.
The Magshimey Herut Internship Program – The Magshimey Herut Internship Program is here to help you try Israel on for size. If you’re looking for something flexible, want to gain valuable experience, learn about Israeli society, and want to follow your own schedule, than THIS is the internship program for you. Magshimey Herut offers tailor-made internships in the field of your choice. Tell us what you are looking for, and WE will find an internship for you.
Onward Israel – When you grow, so do your opportunities. Global experience gives you that extra competitive edge. Our programs take you Onward – personally and professionally – and allow you an authentic taste of modern day Israel while gaining experience and knowledge through an internship opportunity.We are now accepting applications for Winter 2017-2018 internships.
Heinrich Boll Stiftung Internships – The Israel Public Policy Institute (IPPI) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation offer young leaders from Germany an opportunity to participate in a Fellowship program in Israel in cooperation with the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection on the theme: “Ecology & Sustainable Development: Policies and Best Practices in Israel and Germany”. As part of the program, the Fellows will be required to compose a policy paper pertaining to an environmental challenge common to both countries; to that end, the Fellows will be able to draw on the pool of partners of the HBS, IPPI and the MoEP and familiarize themselves with relevant actors in the country. Internship opportunities are available from April 2018 onwards. Please email your application, including CV and motivation letter in English to info@il.boell.org. Please explain why you would like to intern at the HBS Israel. In any given year, there are only a few places available. The application process is competitive and positions are filled quickly. We therefore recommend applicants to submit their applications early, at least 4-6 months prior to your desired start date.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Internship – Are you interested in Middle East Politics and especially in the work of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Israel? Please consider that due to strong demand we are allocating our internship positions about one year in advance. Internship positions will be available only after September 2018! Please send your documents with the preferred period for your internship by e-mail to: Sonja.Lebkuecher@fes.org.il
Next Step Israel – Next Step Israel Internships is the best way for teens to build career skills and explore their identity in the land of Israel. Our interns will spend 5 weeks interning with Jerusalem area companies and organizations. On the weekends, we depart Jerusalem and tour in cities like Tel Aviv, Tiberias, and Tsfat. Our weeknights are spent unwinding from our work day, touring local Jerusalem cultural and tourist attractions, developing our work skills through group sharing, and building our skills through workshops with local experts.
Ramah Asiyah Internships in Israel – Ramah ASIYAH, our study/internship program in Israel, offers rising high school seniors an opportunity to develop their academic and professional networks through training and shadowing/interning with established professionals in a variety of fields. In addition to the internships, this summer’s program will include a variety of workshops, such as how to create an effective resume and how to translate the summer internship into a persuasive college essay. Seminar and ASIYAH will begin their Israel experience together at our Northern base, Hodayot, from Wednesday, June 27 – Sunday, July 1. The study/internship/volunteering tracks begin on Monday, July 2.
AgroStudies Internship Program – Agrostudies is an organization that provides a unique apprenticeship in agriculture, combining advanced studies and hands on ‘learning by doing ‘ in various fields. We collaborate with dozens of carefully selected farms across Israel, to ensure each student is nurtured in the most enabling and stimulating learning environment, allowing them to benefit from real exposure to the most advanced agricultural working methods. Classes are taught once a week on three campuses, one in Tel-Hai College in the North (nearby Kiryat Sh’mona) another at the Ruppin College and a third in Kfar Silver. In addition, each group is assigned a tutor who accompanies them throughout their internship, based on their area of study.
Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel – The Center provides interns with the opportunity to be “a big fish in a small pond,” interning in a small organization that has a great deal of impact and influence, and taking on high-level work that is core the Center’s mission. Hours are flexible, and while the position is unpaid, the Taub Center goes to great lengths to mentor interns and build a meaningful, valuable experience. We will gladly provide documentation for university or college credit upon request.
Did you download your spreadsheet copy yet? It contains all the internships listed here and their contact information in an easily sortable format you can use to track which internships you applied for.