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Friday, March 30, 2018

📇 21 Business Card Mistakes Too Many People Make

Luckily, it's not hard to avoid these blunders.

21 Business Card Mistakes Too Many People Make

Photo by Ben White

This is a guest post by Bill Post.

How can you make sure that your business card is the most effective tool that it can be? By avoiding these errors.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Business card blunders you don't want to make

1) Vague personal branding

Someone reading your card should immediately be able to tell what kind of work you do.

2) Unsuitable business card style

If you are in a conservative industry, such as law or finance, you'll want a simple white business card with black ink, raised lettering, and very little, if any, color. If you are a graphic designer, though, you may want something more creative.

3) Personal logo abuse

If you have a personal logo on your resume, it should be on your business cards – everything should match.

However, don't make the logo over-sized. Keep it understated, so that you have room for your contact information and don't need to print your phone number and address in print so tiny that your contact with need a magnifying glass to read it.

4) Putting a photo of yourself on your business card

Unless you are an actor or are trying to get a job as a network news anchor, or are in some other business where your face is part of what you are trying to sell. Otherwise, the photo just makes the card look schmaltzy.

5) Gimmicks

Don't add a gimmick to your card without a good reason.

These days, everyone wants to stand out by producing a business card that is different and unique (like one that uses augmented reality). But when it comes to business cards, unless you have a special, business-related reason for making your business card different (i.e., you are a professional magician and your business card is embedded with a hologram), a traditional card is best.


Ultimately a business card is a tool – it's meant to provide information that you hope will end up in someone's rolodex (or the equivalent).

Don't let your desire to make your card different pull you away from the purpose of a business card.

6) Non-traditional sizes or formats

chocolate creative business card design

I've heard of people handing out chocolate business cards.

Kudos for creativity, but do you think a chocolate card is going in the rolodex? My guess is that it will become a mid-afternoon snack!

Cards in various non-traditional sizes are also unlikely to make it into a rolodex – they just don't fit. Do you want to force your new contact to copy your information onto a rolodex card?

The one exception to this rule is the folding business card, which is the traditional size when it is folded.

7) Leaving off important contact information

I realize that privacy is important, but make sure that your business card contains all the potential ways that a contact might want to try to reach you.

Don't limit your contact information to an address and phone number. Include your email address, your IM/Skype handle, your website, and any social media contact information (such as Twitter and Facebook usernames) that a contact might want to use to reach or find out more about you.

8) Making important contact information too hard to read

peanut creative business card design

Use a readable font that is printed in as large a size as you can reasonably fit on the card.

Don't make your visual elements so large that you don't have room to add legible text.

9) Making important contact information too hard to find

Your contact may never look at the back of your card – if you must put something there, make it your personal logo, an inspirational quotation, a testimonial or two, or something else appropriate to your profession or industry.

For example, if you are a chef, you might be able to put a very simple menu or recipe on the back of a card.

10) Handwriting changes of contact information on old cards

Make sure you have new ones with the new information clearly noted. Otherwise, you create the impression that you are someone who tends to procrastinate – even about updating your own business cards!

11) Forgetting your business cards at home

If you are not used to carrying a business card, this may be the biggest obstacle you have to overcome.

Get yourself a nice business card case to hold your cards and put it next to your wallet and keys, or in your briefcase or bag, so that you won't forget to bring your cards along to your next networking event, job fair or professional conference.

12) Keeping business cards in your wallet

Cards in a wallet tend to get rumpled and smudged, and there is always the chance that you'll drop the contents of your wallet all over the floor while struggling to extricate a business card that got wedged behind your driver's license. That won't make a smooth impression.

13) Choosing the wrong situation to give out a card

Be sensitive about when you choose to give out your business card.

Of course, do give your card to anyone who asks for it, to anyone who requests your contact information, or to anyone who asks for information about your profession or industry.

Equally obviously, don't give out your card at funerals or weddings, meetings with your child's teachers (unless you are specifically asked e.g. by a teacher who wants you to be a volunteer speaker for the class), at doctor's appointments, or in any other potentially uncomfortable situation.

You must also be sensitive to the kind of interest that is expressed in social situations – someone who asks you at a party what you do is better responded to conversationally, not by digging out your business card.

In fact, as a general rule, don't give out your business card in personal social situations unless you are asked for it, but do feel free to give out your card at professional conferences and networking events.

14) Choosing the wrong time to give out a card

Don't give your card at the beginning of a meeting or event. This is one of those subtle things, but it is important. It gives the impression of arrogance if you toss a card at someone you've just met.

If you at least wait to exchange cards until you've spent some time together, it will feel more natural, as if you're giving a new friend a way to reach you rather than trying to make a sales pitch (and while we are on the subject – never, ever, make a sales pitch while handing someone your business card).

Handing out business cards is a delicate situation – one that requires a good grasp of the finer points of business etiquette. If you feel totally at sea, don't hesitate to take a class or read a good book on business etiquette to help you to get a feel for it. It's well worth your time to do so.

15) Being culturally insensitive with your cards

In some cultures, it matters what hand you use to give out business cards – always use your right hand, if you are using just one hand. However, in Asian cultures, it is polite to use both hands to present your business card.

If you are meeting potential employers or contacts in an international context, look up the guidelines for presenting and receiving business cards in the country where you will be.

If you will be spending time in a country where the dominant language is not your own, have your business cards printed double-sided, with one language on one side and one on the other.

16) Giving out cards wildly

It is important to not paper the community with your business cards. You are better off handing out cards to a few quality contacts who really plan to get in touch with you again, than giving them out willy-nilly to many people you have just met, who may have no real interest in contacting you again in the future.

17) Being stingy with your cards

Yet- if you are in a group of people, and are offering your business card to one person, offer it to the entire group. Otherwise, the other people in the group may feel deliberately excluded.

18) Not handing out your cards at all

Amazingly enough, many people order business cards, and end up with a professional, beautifully printed card that they keep in their briefcase or on a shelf. What a waste of money – and of a potential marketing tool! No business card is going to end up in a contact's rolodex if you don't hand that card out at every opportunity.

19) Forgetting to get the card from the person to whom you just gave yours

If you don't ask for a card from someone who has just asked for yours, you give the impression that you are not as interested in this person as he or she is in you.

20) Writing on the business card that was just handed to you

It will seem as though you are defacing their card. Treat all business cards, including your own, as though they are pieces of gold.

If you face a situation where the only paper on which to write is a contact's card or your own, write on the back of one of your own cards.

21) Giving out business cards with wrong information

Nailed it:

Outdated business card

Bonus tip!

Give close friends and colleagues several of your business cards, which they can then use to refer people to you.

About the author

Bill Post, Small Business Research Analyst, has been providing research on issues of concern to small businesses for Business Card Design for three years. A former business owner prior to his involvement with 123Print Custom Business Cards, Bill spent several years after receiving his degree in the fast-paced corporate world before going out on his own to provide marketing and branding services to other small businesses in the Washington, DC metro area.

READ NEXT: 37 Ideas to Grow Your Job Search Network Right Now

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

🎂 Today is JobMob’s 11th Birthday

JobMob was officially launched 11 years ago today.

JobMob's 11th Birthday

Photo by Brooke Lark

11 years. Wow.

Back on March 21st, 2007, I was just trying to learn about blogging while looking for a job in Israel.

If you had told me I'd be blogging 11 years later, I would never have believed you. I didn't even like writing back then!

It's been a long journey with many ups and downs (thankfully, more of the former) and a lot of fun.

Many other job search and career blogs have come and gone, but I feel good that we'll be right back celebrating birthday #12 a year from now. Job seekers are still job seeking, and I still have a lot to share (pun intended).

Here are some of the highlights of the past year.

👶 New baby

I'll start off with a personal highlight – my son Yoav was born just over a month ago.

If you've been following JobMob for a few years, you might notice that Yoav was born just over two years after my wife miscarried. That fact had us a little more worried than usual throughout the pregnancy, and the related extra attention from doctors wasn't always a relief either, even if they were doing it for the best.

Thankfully, the pregnancy went very well and Yoav is completely healthy and everyone at home can't get enough of him.

💻 JobMob 3.0

This past fall, I quietly upgraded JobMob to a customized version of Thrive Themes‘ Rise theme.

The new theme is faster, more lightweight, scales better on smaller screens and provides a number of behind-the-scenes features that make blogging easier.

Check out the evolution of JobMob over the years:

JobMob 1-3 evolution

Animation by

🌱 The JobMob Insider program continues to grow

What began as an under-the-radar experiment a few years ago has blossomed into a program with more than 1,800 members.

The free JobMob Insider program gives you access to exclusive job search resources, downloads, PDF versions of articles, and more.

For example, I've recently begun doing video Q&A sessions for members.

Join now

Some other highlights

  • JobMob was mentioned on major websites such as,, Spanish newspaper, and more.
  • Although traffic has dropped from previous years, 1 million visitors have visited in the past 12 months
  • This is the most popular poll with over 1,900 votes:
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

👏 Thank you

Thank you for 11 terrific years.

Thank you for reading and sharing JobMob articles with others.

Thank you for voting in polls, commenting, asking questions and sending over feedback of all kinds, especially constructive criticism.

Thank you for contributing whenever I've asked, such as sending in quotes for articles.

And thank you to all JobMob sponsors, whose support really does make JobMob possible.

Question of the article

What would you like to see on JobMob in the coming year? Tell us in the comments, or just wish JobMob a Happy Birthday.

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

☕ 37 Ways to Meet People Who Can Refer You to Jobs

Ideas on how to start growing your job search network today.

37 Ways to Meet People Who Can Refer You to Jobs

Photo by

Networking is usually the best way to find a job, but growing a network takes time. You need to build it before you need it.

Employed or not, spend at least 30 minutes per day actively reinforcing your brand and growing your network through the activities listed below.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.


All Udemy courses are only $10.99

Save hundreds of dollars, such as on Udemy's bestselling job search course "(2018) Career Hacking: Resume, LinkedIn, Interviewing +More".


How to network for jobs and career success

The key question to ask is not “what can you do for me?” but rather “what can I do for you?” The more you give to your network, the more you can get from it.

1. Get an email address that's easy to remember

A good format is (or,, etc.). This address should be for your job search only.

2. Choose your personal tagline

Find a 3-4 word phrase that relates to who you are professionally and puts you in a positive light. You want people to think that phrase when they hear your name, and everything you do work-wise should match your tagline.

Use it in your email signature and begin by saying it when people ask what you do. Get ideas by seeing how people describe you in recommendations or reference letters.

3. Prepare an elevator pitch

In only 30 seconds, you need to be able to describe who you are and which problems your expertise can solve. Practice until it comes naturally. Tweak as you go, judging by listener response.

4. Build an impressive web profile

A recommendation-filled LinkedIn profile also impresses by showcasing your accomplishments, successes and even your above elevator pitch.

LinkedIn will also give you a short, easy-to-remember vanity url to put in your email signature, on your resume and business cards, encouraging people to connect with you. Use your above personal tagline and job search email address.

5. Become a LiON

Being a LinkedIn Open Networker makes it easier to grow your number of LinkedIn connections to the top level of “500+” but the looseness of these connections means you shouldn't expect much from them. Still, all it takes is one good connection for this to be worthwhile.

6. Be active on LinkedIn Groups

Hang out in popular, local Groups related to your profession, responding to questions and drawing other LinkedIn users to notice you.

7. Be active on Twitter

Take a few moments to flesh out your profile, putting your personal tagline in the Bio box and customizing the background image. Discover more people to follow by browsing the who your friends and industry influencers follow.

Download The Ultimate Twitter Job Search Guide

8. Create a Facebook Page

Use Facebook for more than staying in touch with friends and family. A 2017 survey conducted for Facebook claims that “one in four people in the US said they searched for, or found a job using Facebook.”

The way how to network for a job on Facebook is separately from your personal profile, use a Facebook Page to promote yourself professionally, giving Facebook users a place to follow you as an expert in your field. Then, interact in Facebook groups and on other relevant pages while posting as your Page instead of your personal account.

9. Carry business cards

Have business cards with your personal tagline and contact information to give out to potential business contacts. Try to always leave a note on the back before handing over your card. For example, write where you met the recipient (for them to remember later). I use and recommend Zazzle business cards.

10. Ask for referrals when handing over business cards

People are more likely to respond about job leads at other companies than if you ask directly about open positions in their company. Give them extra cards if they have any potential referrals to put you in contact with.

11. Use calling cards

Calling cards are for non-business occasions. They're like a business card, but with personal information. The novelty aspect alone will leave a good impression.

12. Join real-world business networks and chambers of commerce

You want people in your industry to notice you. Find local networks by googling “business network” and the name of your city.

13. Join general purpose business social networks

Besides LinkedIn, there are other networks such as Xing and Viadeo. Use the one that is most popular in your local industry.

14. Join industry-specific social networks

In many cases, these are business social networks created on the Ning platform. Use Ning's search to find relevant networks or start a Ning network yourself.

15. Start blogging about your profession

Blogging is a terrific way to not only grow your network and show off your expertise while helping others, but also to attract job offers.

16. Follow industry blogs

Both big and small, subscribe and comment on them so that their bloggers discover and interact with you, especially if you have your own blog too. It's better to get a lot of attention from 10 small blogs than no attention on 2 big ones. And a good way to find and follow them is using (hat tip to Jeff Gillis for that idea)

17. Participate in industry discussion forums and mailing lists

Become the expert that people want to hear from on the topics you specialize in.

18. Become a member of professional associations

Every market has a group of people who are creating the standards and organizing member professionals. Being part of such groups can net you recognition from across the industry.

19. Create an industry newsletter

Become a trusted source of information. Create a newsletter for an industry niche that doesn't have one. Or, become a contributor to an existing newsletter, with a byline explaining how to reach out to you.

20. Go to industry conferences

Once there, make time to meet people and exchange business cards. Conferences are also a great time to finally meet people face-to-face after having met online.

21. Attend local (speed) networking events

Have lots of business cards with you and a polished elevator pitch.

22. Organize informal industry events

Coordinate your own launch parties, anniversaries, expert speakers, you name it.

If you choose the right type of event and promote it well, the success will carry over to your personal network and people will want you to do it all again so that they can bring along other contacts who missed out.

23. Bring friends along

Whatever kind of event you attend, go with friends. Split up to network separately and later compare notes.

24. Join a job search support club

Also called job clubs or job search clubs or groups. Network with like-minded people. Commiserating is a great conversation starter.

25. Volunteer

Meeting new people is one of the best reasons why job seekers should volunteer. If there aren't many opportunities locally through e.g. religious institutions or NGOs, find them online using a site like

26. Join a gym

A great place to network with people across different industries and positions, there are also many other reasons job seekers should exercise regularly. Here are 10 reasons to work out on your job search and here are 10 more reasons.

27. Get a coach

Among the many benefits of having a job search coach or a career coach: they'll be able to guide you to even more ways to grow your network.

28. Find a mentor or mentoring community

Look for people who have achieved your goals and can help you achieve similar success. Take your mentor out for lunch and pick their brain.

29. Do information interviews

This is a great way to get your foot in the door, and you'd be surprised how often an info interview can lead to a job, even in a different department or company.

30. Email friends and family

Get help from people who want to help you by default. Ask them to put you in contact with anyone that can help your job search.


All Udemy courses are only $10.99

Save hundreds of dollars, such as on Udemy's bestselling job search course "(2018) Career Hacking: Resume, LinkedIn, Interviewing +More".


31. Talk to people you see regularly

Neighbors, parents at your kids' school, taxi drivers. Cast your net as wide as possible.

32. Offer a cash bounty

Use it as a way to crowdsource your job search.

Mention the bounty in an email to your personal contacts, and ask them to forward your message to relevant contacts of their own, for whom the cash prize could be a big motivator.

33. Join an alumni / veterans' jobs network

Placing alumni in jobs is usually a major goal of university or college alumni networks and also military veterans' associations.

34. Send updates to your contacts

If they don't hear from you, they'll just assume you found a job, so nudge people in your network from time to time. A simple “any way I can help?” is a great way to stay in touch and not be forgotten.

35. Keep track of your contacts' needs

Fill those needs whenever you can. The more you give, the more you'll get. Here are another 9 ways to keep value in your network relationships (lower half of the article).

36. Always follow up

Whether to confirm a referral or send over a link to an article you discussed, find a good reason to follow up with new contacts before they forget about you, which is usually within 24-48 hours.

37. Use thank you notes

Always take the time necessary to appreciate the people in your network. Just because people are happy to help doesn't mean you should take their help for granted. Handwritten thank you notes, perhaps on a postcard, will stand out more than a quick email but even that will still be noticed in a positive way.

Other takes

Bonus: Networking For Job Search & Success

The best way to build a network is to give before you get.

Subscribe to JobMob via email and follow me on Twitter for the best job search networking tips you can use right now.

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Friday, March 9, 2018

🚀 101 Popular Job Boards For Job Seekers Everywhere

The top job boards that job seekers and recruiters are using around the world.

101 Popular Job Boards For Job Seekers Everywhere

Photo by NASA

Job boards are one of the most misused tools in a job seeker's toolbox.

The worst way to use a job board is the easiest way: just jump right in and start applying to the first jobs you qualify for. That short term gain often leads to long term pain as you're competing with many other job seekers for a job at a company you may ultimately not even want to work for.

On the other hand, the best way to use a job board is as a research tool to gauge demand for your current skills and which employer-attracting skills to learn next. Then, target companies directly, away from the job board.

The larger the job board, the better it will represent your industry's job market, the better an impression of market demand it will give you.

With that in mind, here are many of the biggest, most popular job boards around the world. Browse the list, enjoying some of the job board logos while you're at it, or simply look for your country or ‘international' and start researching.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

The top job boards around the world

#101 Neuvoo Greece (Greece) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#100 All Cruise Jobs (Germany/International) – All Cruise Jobs is the biggest job board within the cruise line industry with most current cruise ship job vacancies available on the Internet.

all cruise jobs logo

#99 Aviation Job Search (International) – Check out Aviation Job Search for 1000s of the latest aviation jobs and vacancies.

aviation job search logo

#98 TipTopJob (International) – Search for Jobs in the UK and Worldwide

tiptopjob logo

#97 Observer Jobs (Sri Lanka) – Observer JOBS™ is the only recruitment product that brings together print, web, mobile and social media to create a comprehensive, easy to access employment network with the largest database of job opportunities and the widest coverage of all districts in Sri Lanka

observer jobs logo

#96 employment4students (International) – Most visited UK student jobs website helping students find part time jobs, temporary job vacancies, internships & graduate jobs during Christmas & Summer

e4s logo

#95 Neuvoo UAE (UAE) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#94 Neuvoo Switzerland (Switzerland) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#93 GovJersey (Jersey, Channel Islands) – Search for jobs and current vacancies in Jersey, Channel Islands. logo

#92 Brighter Monday Tanzania (Tanzania) – Find the job that's right for you. Search for jobs, read career advice and sign up to receive alerts on the latest job vacancies.

brighter monday tanzania logo

#91 Neuvoo Spain (Spain) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#90 Jobs Luxembourg (Luxembourg) – Jobs in Luxembourg logo

#89 Job Monkey (International) – The coolest jobs on Earth

job monkey logo

#88 Brighter Monday Uganda (Uganda) – Find the job that's right for you. Search for jobs, read career advice and sign up to receive alerts on the latest job vacancies.

brighter monday uganda logo

#87 JobbSafari (Sweden) – Find your next job or your next coworker with Jobbsafari. Jobbsafari offers the most complete list of available jobs in Sweden.

jobbsafari logo

#86 Neuvoo UK (UK) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#85 Eluta (Canada) – Official job search engine of the Canada's Top 100 Employers® project logo

#84 Neuvoo Brazil (Brazil) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#83 The Local Spain (Spain) – English-Language Jobs in Spain

the local spain logo

#82 Trinidad Job (Trinidad and Tobago) – Welcome to the #1 Recruitment website in Trinidad & Tobago – Dedicated to Jobs in Trinidad and Tobago

trinidadjob logo

#81 Rice Bowl (Malaysia) – Find Latest Job Vacancy in Malaysia & Singapore. Thousand of Latest 2017 Job Vacancies Available in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Penang & Perak. Start Job Vacancy Search in Admin, Account, HR, Clerical & Sales and Marketing. Thousand of Employment Opportunities eg Part Time Jobs, Full Time Jobs, Internship Opportunity & Freelance Jobs. –

ricebowl logo

#80 Neuvoo Nigeria (Nigeria) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#79 StepStone Austria (Austria) – StepStone Austria is one of the leading and most visited online job boards in Austria.

stepstone logo

#78 MyJobo (Malawi) – Find jobs in Malawi

myjobo logo

#77 Neuvoo South Africa (South Africa) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#76 Queensland Government (Queensland, Australia) – Job search | Employment and jobs | Queensland Government

queensland government logo

#75 The Local Italy (Italy) – English-Language Jobs in Italy

the local italy logo

#74 CharityJob (UK) – The only job board specifically created for charity, not for profit, third sector and voluntary jobs. Find the largest range of jobs available in the charity sector today!

charityjob logo

#73 S1Jobs (Scotland) – Search 4,047 jobs in Scotland

s1jobs logo

#72 Australian Government (Australia) – Find Jobs, Employment & Career Opportunities

australian government logo

#71 Europe Language Jobs (Europe) – Europe Language Jobs is an exciting job board specialized in multilingual job vacancies.

europe language jobs logo

#70 Academic Positions (Europe) – Career network for academics, researchers and scientists. Find and apply for jobs in research and higher education today!

academic positions logo

#69 Virtual Vocations (USA) – All telecommute jobs. All in one place.

virtual vocations logo

#68 College Grad (USA) – #1 Entry Level Job Site

college grad logo

#67 Milk Round (UK/USA/UAE/Germany/China) – The UK's most widely used student and graduate job website. Search and apply for the latest graduate jobs, schemes and internships from top UK employers today.

milkround logo

#66 StepStone Belgium (Belgium) – Find a job in Belgium and use the Belgian StepStone job site. All jobs in Belgium, just one click away!

stepstone logo

#65 Fish4Jobs (UK) – Looking for the best local jobs? Start your local job search on Fish4jobs, the official job site of Trinity Mirror’s network of regional and national news brands including the Daily Mirror, Manchester Evening News, Liverpool Echo, Birmingham Mail and many more.

fish4jobs logo

#64 StepStone France (France) – StepStone is the number one job board in Europe and the number one Specialized Jobboard network in France.

stepstone logo

#63 Neuvoo France (France) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#62 GoZambia Jobs (Zambia) – Zambia Jobs

go zambia jobs logo

#61 Science Careers (USA) – Search for your next job from 1,836 live job openings, or upload your resume now and let employers find you.

science careers logo

#60 Mero Job (Nepal) – Find most recent jobs in Nepal at We are an online job search site in Nepal where you can find career opportunities suitable for everyone.

merojob logo

#59 Jobillico (Canada) – Everyone deserves to be happy at work. So do you!

jobillico logo

#58 Neuvoo Canada (Canada) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#57 Neuvoo Italy (Italy) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#56 The Local France (France) – English-Language Jobs in France

the local france

#55 Brighter Monday Kenya (Kenya) – Jobs in Kenya – Latest Job Vacancies

brighter monday kenya

#54 Neuvoo India (India) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#53 Irish Jobs (Ireland) – Irish job opportunities in Dublin, Cork and Galway from – View our Irish Salary Survey, Career Advice, Jobs in Ireland plus much more. logo

#52 (Ireland) – Find jobs in Ireland. View thousands of jobs from Ireland’s top companies. Search jobs in Dublin, Cork and Galway. Get CV tips and more in our blog. logo

#51 NIjobs (Ireland) – NIJobs is Northern Ireland's leading job site, listing thousands of jobs from employers and recruitment agencies throughout NI.

nijobs logo

#50 The Local Sweden (Sweden) – English-Language Jobs in Sweden

the local sweden logo

#49 Oil and Gas Job Search (International) – Search thousands of Oil and Gas jobs. We cover all oil jobs, offshore jobs, oil careers and offer recruiter services to employers in the oil and gas industry.

oil and gas job search logo

#48 Caterer Global (International) – Search for your next job from live vacancies, or upload your CV now and let recruiters find you.

catererglobal logo

#47 WayUp (International) – Find paid internships, part-time jobs and entry-level opportunities at thousands of startups and Fortune 500s. Use our resources for tips on interviews, resumes, cover letters and more.

wayup logo

#46 The Local Germany (Germany) – English-Language Jobs in Germany

the local germany logo

#45 OnlineJobs Ph (Philippines) – World's largest and safest marketplace for finding rock star Filipino workers. logo

#44 Jobberman (Nigeria) – Your Dream Job in Nigeria Awaits.

jobberman logo

#43 Caribbean Jobs (Caribbean/International) – Find your dream job in the Caribbean at Full-time and part-time jobs in Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, St. Lucia and more. Your best source online for a career in the Caribbean.

caribbeanjobs logo

#42 JobIndex (Denmark) – Jobindex is Denmark's largest job market. We provide the most complete overview of available jobs in Denmark. With over 20,000 job ads, 100,000 CVs * and over 800,000 unique users a month, Jobindex is Denmark's largest job market.

jobindex logo

#41 WorkAbroad (Philippines/International) – The Leading Overseas Jobs in the Philippines logo

#40 Just Landed (International) – Everything you need to live abroad – connecting expats worldwide.

just landed logo

#39 Career Junction (South Africa) – 1000's of new jobs daily. Job seekers can upload CVs and apply for Jobs on mobile or desktop. Search jobs by industry, location, keyword or job title.

career junction logo

#38 Workopolis (Canada) – Your next job or career is on Workopolis – Canada's leading career site with the latest jobs from Top Canadian employers. Let's get to work!

workopolis logo

#37 (UK) – Search international jobs in academic, science, research and administrative employment in the UK, Europe, Australasia, Africa, America and Asia & Middle East. logo

#36 Careers24 (South Africa) – Find your dream career

careers24 logo

#35 NHS Jobs (UK) – Around 25,000 posts are advertised on this website every month. If you're looking to begin or develop your career in the NHS, this site should be your first port of call.

nhs logo

#34 Monster Gulf (International, Bahrain, Gulf, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt) – Search for jobs in UAE including government jobs, safety officer jobs etc. on Monster Gulf. Post your resume to apply for UAE jobs across top companies in UAE.

monster logo

#33 Monster Canada (Canada) – Find the job that's right for you. Use Monster's resources to create a killer resume, search for jobs, prepare for interviews, and launch your career.

monster logo

#32 (Afghanistan) – Get the latest job announcements in Afghanistan by UN, Government, International development agencies, Aid Agencies, Private Companies, MNCs in different industries

jobs afghanistan logo

#31 Jobs2Careers (USA) – What type of work are you looking for?

jobs2careers logo

#30 (USA) – Find internships and employment opportunities in the largest internship marketplace. Search paid internships and part time jobs to help start your career. logo

#29 HigherEdJobs (International) – Your Higher Education Job is Here.

higheredjobs logo

#28 Gulf Talent (UAE) – Search from 4,000+ jobs in UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan and Lebanon. Search jobs by location, job role and industry. Start searching!

gulftalent logo

#27 JobStreet Ph (Philippines) – 62,564 jobs in the Philippines and Overseas

jobstreet ph logo

#26 Monster UK (UK) – Monster will help you find the job that you deserve! Use Monster's resources to create a killer CV, search for jobs, prepare for interviews, and launch your career.

monster logo

#25 Neuvoo (International) – Looking for a job? You will find on neuvoo all the jobs available in your region. Your job search starts here.

neuvoo logo

#24 Pnet (South Africa) – PNet is South Africa's number 1 job site. Search for jobs across South Africa. Find work. Recruit the ideal candidates. PNet your job portal.

pnet logo

#23 ACCA (International) -Search jobs from the finance and accountancy world.

acca logo

#22 JobSite (UK) – Find 1000s of UK Jobs. Start your job search with Jobsite UK.

jobsite logo

#21 Dice (USA) – Search 80,000+ tech jobs. has business analyst, software engineer, QA jobs and many more. Manage your tech job search and IT career on Dice.

dice logo

#20 SnagaJob (USA) – Hire great hourly employees

snagajob logo

#19 (UK) – Find a job you love with the UK's #1 job site logo

#18 Naukri Gulf (UAE) – Apply to Jobs in UAE(19132), Qatar(4929), Saudi Arabia(10845), Bahrain(1306) & Oman(1499) across industries & roles.

naukri gulf logo

#17 jobsDB (Hong Kong/Indonesia/Singapore/Thailand) – Search, browse and apply the latest Admin & HR, Banking, IT, Sales, Marketing and many other jobs.

jobsdb logo

#16 StepStone Deutschland (Deutschland) – The quickest way to search for jobs. Find your next job with StepStone!

stepstone logo

#15 Total Jobs (UK) – Search 160000 jobs in the UK on totaljobs. We’ll get you noticed. Find your perfect job with instant job matches, alerts and more.

totaljobs logo

#14 People Per Hour (International) – The best people, in their finest hour

peopleperhour logo

#13 Career Builder (International) – CareerBuilder is the most trusted source for job opportunities & advice. Access career resources, personalized salary tools & insights. Find your dream job now!

careerbuilder logo

#12 (USA) – Search and apply for federal jobs. Learn about unique hiring paths for veterans, students and graduates, individuals with a disability, and more. logo

#11 TES (International) – The largest selection of academic, education and teaching job vacancies for primary schools, secondary schools and special needs schools in the UK.

tes logo

#10 Seek (Australia/New Zealand) – SEEK is Australia’s number one employment marketplace. Find jobs and career related information or recruit the ideal candidate. logo

#9 Shine (India) – Find Jobs in India logo

#8 Zip Recruiter (International) – Get updates on your job application every step of the way.

zip recruiter logo

#7 Monster (International) – Monster can help you find the best jobs, employers and career advice.

monster logo

#6 Gum Tree (UK) – Discover your next Role

gumtree logo

#5 Bayt (UAE) – Find Jobs in the Gulf and Middle East

bayt logo

#4 Glassdoor (International) – Find The Job That Fits Your Life

glassdoor logo

#3 Indeed (International) – Search job sites, newspapers, associations and company career pages.

indeed logo

#2 Craigslist (International) – provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, personals, services, local community, and events.

craigslist logo

#1 LinkedIn (International) – Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.

LinkedIn logo

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